Winged VTOL Heavy Lift Drone
Conduct conceptual and preliminary design-trade studies for the G500 drone, employing a systems engineering approach to optimize wing size, rotor dynamics, and drone weight for electrically powered components to maximize energy efficiency and payload range
Team Members:
Kevin Vitwar (Team Lead), Daniel Bershadsky, Bevan Chiu, Cain Chen, and Anthony Machuca IV
Project Deliverables:
- Quarter I
- Power consumption models for take-off and flight, thermal (batteries, motors, speed
- controllers), aerodynamic and structural models
- Simulation results, including model set-up, outputs, and data reduction.
- Drawings (solid model, 3-view) of the main layout, to include wing and empennage
- Documentation of models, concept design study results
- Quarter II
- Analysis of alternatives, optimization, and sensitivity studies, principal trades
- Bill of Materials and weight statement, at the level of preliminary design.
- Final report at the level of a Preliminary Design Review.