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January 2020


Your prescription for the month of January.


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Medicine and Research


By Elizabeth Montoya
Measles is a prevalent disease that is often prevented for by vaccination. This article talks about why vaccinations are important beyond their targeted disease and maintain public health.

By Erika Joloya
Eczema is a common type of skin disease that affects may around the world. As the problem persists, dermatologists have worked to discover the next leading treatment to its inflammatory symptoms.


Cloudy Dreams

By Panamdeep Thind
There is a time and place for dreams, even when you are asleep and do not remember it when you awaken. This article looks into the neural pathways associated with dream recollection.

Flu Vaccines: Yes, They are Still Important

By Shea Dockan
Unlike many of the vaccine we receive, the flu shot must be taken annually. What about the flu makes it so infectious, and what resources are there to keep updated about the flu season?

When the Fire Burns Out

By Rena Zhu
Prolonged stress can lead to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, culminating in a state known as burnout. This article looks at how burnout can lead to worse health outcomes, and proposes small steps to prevent its onset in the face of stress.


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