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August 2020

Morning Sign Out 
at UCI 
Jospehine Chan
2nd year Pharmaceutical Sciences
What do you enjoy about being a part of MSO? Or if you are a new member, why did you join MSO?
When I first came across MSO, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various scientific topics.
 What are your academic and/or professional interests?
 For all I know, I could end up pursuing a career that is completely unrelated to science, but it always has and will be an interest of mine.
 What do you enjoy doing in your free time, or what is a “fun fact” about you?
 I’m a major tea enthusiast. In high school, I even did an experiment on how plants respond to being watered with tea.
Read Amy’s Articles
Sitting Down with Past Members
Amanda Woodbury
First Co-President
Why did you join MSO?
 I joined MSO because during college I was very passionate about scientific accessibility. My primary goal in the club was to facilitate understanding of more complex scientific topics to my fellow students. In particular, there is so much groundbreaking and exciting research happening every day at UCI that not many students are aware of unless it hits mainstream media. Raising awareness for the plethora of research at UCI was highly rewarding.
 What are you doing now?
 At the moment, I am a project manager at a gene therapy start-up company. Originally, I actually started at the company working on vector production as a research associate. Since joining, I have transitioned to a project management position where I can utilize technical skills in order to accurately map out experiments and timelines across small and large teams which contribute to meeting the higher level goals of the company.
Read Our Latest
Over the month of August, MSO writers and editors have been continuing the organization’s mission to expand health and scientific literacy by creating quality, enjoyable articles on current scientific developments. In this newsletter, we highlight our team’s amazing work published under MSO‘s three committees: health and wellness, medicine and pharmacy, and global and local research. 
You are Not Hungry, You are Stressed
Written by Amy Nguyen and Edited by Josephine Chan.

Hormones dictate our reactions and overall life experiences. Stress hormones even influence our amount of hunger and which foods we crave. Especially at such stressful times, it is important to be aware of what we are consuming and how much.
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Don’t Forget to Blink: The Harmful Effects of Excessive Screen Time
Written by Hannah Segal and Edited by Kevin Liu.

With life becoming increasingly digitalized for students and employees working from home, it is of upmost importance to remember to take care of yourself. Find out the risks that screens pose to your eyes and how to protect them.
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Nutrition or Not-rition
Written by Haarika Gogineni and Edited by Kevin Liu.

Obtaining enough nutrition is essential to lead a healthy life. However, it is not attainable for everyone. Children are especially susceptible to the consequences of malnutrition. Read more on how childhood nutritional imbalance can affect body development.
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