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Wellness goes beyond a state of physical health or lack of disease. Conventional wellness brought to us by the “wellness industry” has become a large source of misinformation, spreading ineffective and sometimes dangerous solutions to vulnerable people seeking help. Here we present to you ways you can achieve wellness backed by science, so you can improve your quality of life with the right information.

  • Effect of the Gut Microbiome on the Circadian Clock

    Effect of the Gut Microbiome on the Circadian Clock

  • Working Towards Recovery: The Benefits of Employment

    Working Towards Recovery: The Benefits of Employment

  • Sitting Down is Acting Up

    Sitting Down is Acting Up

  • Recognizing Toxic Friendships

    Recognizing Toxic Friendships

  • New Mindset, New You

    New Mindset, New You

  • Grudges: Their Impact and Our Actions

    Grudges: Their Impact and Our Actions

  • Exercise to Protect Your Heart and Mind!

    Exercise to Protect Your Heart and Mind!

  • A Drop of Health in Every Note of Music

    A Drop of Health in Every Note of Music

  • It’s a Small, Small World: The Human Microbiome

    It’s a Small, Small World: The Human Microbiome

  • It’s Not Only Skin Deep

    It’s Not Only Skin Deep

  • Friends with Health Benefits

    Friends with Health Benefits

  • Adderall: College Students’ All-Purpose Drug

    Adderall: College Students’ All-Purpose Drug

New Mindset, New You
By Katie Traversino

The Tech Addiction
By Christina Young

Mental Maladies
By Haarika Gogineni

What is Sleep?
By Hafsah Ganatra

Spice It Up
By Haarika Bhatti and Lauren Young

College Stress
By Harnoor Bhatti

Food and Our Health
By Amal Elali

An Apple a Day
By Emily Majorkiewicz

College-Onset Depression
By Celyn Matiezno

Vitaminwater: Pros and Cons
By Lauren Young and Kathy Feng

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