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The Inverse Faraday Effect (IFE) is an optomagnetic phenomenon that manifests as an induced magnetization when a material is illuminated by circularly polarized light. Previously, we were able to confirm the existence of magnetic fields due to the IFE in plasmonic gold nanoparticles by performing ultrafast pump-probe measurements. Currently we are using Raman thermometry methods developed in our group to probe the differences of temperature in plasmonic nanostructures when illuminated by linearly or circularly polarized light. This can help us better understand the mechanism of IFE in plasmonic materials.

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  • A. Nadarajah, M. Sheldon. “Optoelectronic Phenomena in Au Metal Nanostructures Due to the Inverse Faraday Effect.” Optics Express, 2017, 25, 12753-12764.