Music 215 assignment for Wednesday June 11, 2014

“Final Exam”

Wednesday June 11, 2014 2:00-4:00 pm in Music and Media 216 (REALab)

Come to the final session prepared to give a 20-minute presentation of your research paper. If you don’t have time to do a polished PowerPoint/Keynote presentation, that’s all right, but you should at least be able to give a clear verbal presentation of your paper, comparable in formality and scope to a presentation you would give in a conference that had published your paper.

No later than 12:00 noon on Thursday June 12, deposit your completed research paper and your complete Max project (including any necessary accessory files) in the EEE DropBox for this class titled “FinalProject&Paper”. Your paper should include a bibliography of works cited. Your Max project should contain extensive commentary (comments in the patches, and if necessary a “Read Me” file and/or User’s Manual) sufficient for another programmer to understand exactly how your program works.


This website will host most of the information and communications relevant to:

Seminar in Music Technology
Music 215 — Spring 2014
University of California, Irvine

Christopher Dobrian

This Blog portion of the site will contain notes in preparation for the upcoming class, notes and clarifications on topics covered in the most recent class session, assignments for the upcoming class, examples from the previous class session, and other dubiously relevant thoughts as they come to me.