The following applications are required for this class:
Audacity, free cross-platform audio recording/editing software
MuLab, free cross-platform music composition/production software
Audacity and MuLab Free are available in these labs:
Arts Media Center, AITRC 290, M-Th 11am-3pm
Digital Arts Teaching Lab, CAC 3006, MW 9am-9pm, TTh 12pm-9pm, F 9am-5pm
Headphones are supplied at the Arts Media Center. You will need to bring your own headphones or earbuds with a 1/8″ stereo plug to use in the Digital Arts Teaching Lab.
Other free computer music programs of interest include:
Csound, a free text-based computer music synthesis programming environment
Pure Data (Pd), a free graphical computer music programming environment
ChucK, a free realtime computer audio programming language