
Reactor Operator Training Program

(Now accepting applications for the 2021 course)

Launching September 2012, the Reactor Operator Training Program accepts who wish to obtain a license to operate a nuclear reactor. Please see the corresponding page for more details.

Previously, a training course in basic nuclear science and reactor operations was available for any and all students from any university or college to attend. This course had been offered in the summers of 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2017. Plans to offer this short version of the training program are currently being considered. The brochure from the latest course is given here: (PDF) UCI RO Summer School 2017. Though pictures of the earlier years are somewhat sparse, click on the link to view the sub page: Summer Course Photos.

If you were a participant in one of these classes or have additional pictures you’d like to share, please contact John Keffer at jkeffer@uci.edu

Undergraduate Research Opportunities – UROP

Applications to receive a UROP grant and work with one of the professors associated with the facility are available through the Department of Chemistry / School of Physical Sciences. Generally, the work of such a scholarship will be in support of the research program of the professor or on one of the Open Projects listed in that section.

NRC Undergraduate Scholarships

A set of scholarships established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have been given during the summers of 2016 and 2017 which grant $10,000 to students selected. Recipients are assigned to work with professors associated with the scholarships on projects they designate. Additionally, those granted the scholarships are required to work in the nuclear industry in some capacity for six months after graduating. These scholarships are given to individuals typically in their sophomore or junior years. For more information on these scholarships and to check for their announcement, please check with Dr. Nilsson and Dr. Mecartney of the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department of the School of Engineering.

Open Projects

There are a number of improvements that are planned for the reactor facility and associated equipment / devices, ranging in expertise between mechanical engineering to radiochemistry. Some of the projects are a simple, straightforward upgrades, while others are complex, multidisciplinary projects requiring several weeks to complete. If you have the expertise or the willingness to learn, as well as the dedication to see a project to completion, contact John Keffer. Some of the current projects are:

  • An automated sample changer for a gamma spectrometer
  • Automated sample retriever for the rotary specimen rack
  • Update to the pneumatic transfer system controls
  • Pneumatic transfer system timing electronics installation and integration
  • Fast transfer system timing electronics installation and integration
  • Activation analysis prediction program creation
  • Heat exchanger and cooling upgrade installation planning
  • Pressure indication upgrade, additional transducers and electronics

This is a great way to leave your mark on the facility (hopefully in a positive way).