Nanoscale fabrication and manipulation using visible light

Photonics@UCI has the pleasure of presenting the first OSA Traveling Lecture seminar presented by:

Dr. John Fourkas 

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Maryland

1:30-2:30pm, Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Location: Natural Science II, Room# 2201

(Snacks provided)

Despite the rapid growth of microfabrication technologies over the past decades, many desirable microstructures remain difficult or even impossible to create, especially when the structures are three-dimensional and/or composed of multiple components that feature different materials that must be arranged in a highly specific pattern. Multiphoton absorption polymerization (MAP) offers one solution to this problem. I will discuss the basic principles of MAP and our efforts to extend the capabilities of this technique to create ever finer features. I will also discuss aqueous MAP photoresists that can be used in combination with different techniques for nanomanipulation to create such structures. Nanomanipulation techniques can also be used to place micro- or nanoscale components in desired locations in three dimensions, after which they can be immobilized in place using MAP. This toolbox of techniques offers the capability of creating a broad range of new structures and devices featuring polymeric, inorganic, metallic and biomolecular components.
John Fourkas
Dr. John Fourkas is the Millard Alexander Professor of Chemistry at the University of Maryland, College Park. He earned a BS and an MS in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology and a PhD in Chemistry from Stanford University. He is a Fellow of the APS, the OSA, and the AAAS. His work is focused on applications of nonlinear optics in the study and manipulation of matter, particularly at the nanoscale. His research group has extensive experience in the development of multiphoton lithographic techniques and their application to a broad range of problems.

Frontiers in Photonics: Dr. Cai

We enjoyed an insightful seminar by Dr. Simin Cai, from Go!Foton Corporation.

DrCaiDr. Cai shared his vision on leadership and strategies to solve the career problem. Remember his take-home messages:

Leadership is a quality that everyone can exhibit and exercise.

College is about learning how to solve problems.

Job is about living while career is all about FUN.


Frontiers in Photonics Event on 11/7 at 3 pm – Dr. Simin Cai from GoFoton

Come join us for the first Frontiers in Photonics seminar of the school year!  Dr. Simin Cai from GoFoton ( will discuss career development for scientists and engineers.  This is a great opportunity to interact with an expert in the field of optics with an impressive career in industry.  The seminar will be held in the conference room on the 4th floor of Natural Sciences I on 11/7 at 3 pm.