Through the Representation Branch, PGC maintains a collaborative relation with organizations and committees where graduate students represent and provide resources to the Physics & Astronomy graduate students. PGC invites graduate students leaders and representatives who assist in the operation of their organizations and committees to join as PGC Officers. The following are the organizations that PGC has active collaborations with.

The Underrepresented Genders in Physics and Astronomy club (UNITY) at UC Irvine is a representative body for women and non-binary folx at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels. We strive to create a community for female and non-binary physicists that fosters support through social events, mentoring, and outreach programs. We welcome anyone who is interested in discussing topics related to underrepresented genders in physics and addressing their issues and interests within the department.
Link to website:
Physics & Astronomy Community Excellence Program
PACE (Physics & Astronomy Community Excellence) is a new graduate student led mentoring organization – peer-mentoring programs by students for students. Our programs include – Exceleration (1-on-1 grad peer mentoring); Fire Up Fridays (workshops for incoming grads), Stride! (undergrad-grad mentoring centered on applying to graduate programs), and we are partnering with Resonance (undergrad-undergrad peer mentoring). Later in the 2018-2019 academic year, we will launch Attitude Thrusters (grad-grad peer mentoring & workshops). These programs aim to normalize a holistic approach to success as a UCI physics student and strengthen our community through trained mentors
Link to website:

UCI Physics and Astronomy Blog
The UCI Physics and Astronomy Blog is a graduate student run organization that focuses on communication and outreach efforts within Physics and Astronomy. Our goal is to increase awareness of the department activities and research accomplishments, as well as communicate relevant physics topics through outreach. The Blog team produces a quarterly newsletter which advertises upcoming events, features current research achievements, and highlights an outstanding graduate student in the department. We write bite-size articles that summarize recent published work by students and faculty. To help with outreach, the Blog team also creates videos explaining interesting topics in physics. If you are interested in joining the UCI Physics and Astronomy Blog team, email for more information!
Link to website:

Associated Graduate Students (AGS)
AGS represents the interests of the entire graduate student body at UCI, they have an elected council composed of graduate students, and bring issues with the graduate program to the administration of UCI.
Link to website:
Inclusive Excellence
The Committee on Inclusive Excellence in the Department of Physics and Astronomy is comprised of faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are passionate about promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in physics.
Link to website:

Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience Program (DECADE)
The term DECADE, Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience, reflects the campus aspiration to achieve diversity parity in graduate programs with undergraduate education within ten years. DECADE, founded in 2010 by Former Graduate Dean Frances Leslie, was originally funded through a Department of Education grant. The grant combined student programming with faculty mentorship in a comprehensive program to improve the overall climate in graduate education at UCI. The DECADE program is now funded by Graduate Division and the Office of Inclusive Excellence.
Link to website:

United Auto Workers Local 2865 : UC Student Workers Union (UAW)
UAW Local 2865, the UC Student-Workers Union is the union that represents over 19,000 Academic Student Employees—Teaching Assistants (TAs), Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs), Readers, and Tutors—at the University of California. Our Union negotiates a Collective Bargaining Agreement, or contract, that sets the base-level pay, benefits, and rights and protections of every Academic Student Employee (ASE) at the University of California.
Link to website: