UCI undergraduates from any major can apply if they meet the eligibility requirements: 1) US citizens or permanent resident 2) two quarters of research experience with a PIRE faculty member 3) remain at UCI at least one quarter after PIRE before graduating.

I am interested in participating, but have no previous research experience. Can I still apply?

If you plan ahead so there is time to gain the necessary research experience at UCI prior to applying to PIRE,  then yes, it’s possible!  Students must first gain research experience at UCI with a PIRE faculty member as this provides the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for a successful trip abroad. It’s also a good opportunity to learn whether research is something you enjoy. As a PIRE fellow you’ll be immersed in research full-time. Review the list of faculty in the PEOPLE section, then contact professors to express your interest in gaining research experience.

When can students travel, and how long is the experience?

The undergraduate program runs during the fall, winter, and spring quarters. We are unable to run a summer program because the UCI summer quarter is a period when many of our partner institutions are having final exams or closed for summer holidays. Which quarter a student travels will depend on the availability of the student, the UCI PRE advisor and PIRE partner host. For the PIRE quarter, students will spend the first eight (8) weeks of the quarter visiting the PIRE partner and will return to UCI and attend a series of on-campus seminars for the final two (2) weeks of the quarter.

Are ALL expenses covered? 

No, but almost everything! A PIRE fellowship covers all research-related expenses while visiting a PIRE partner. Allowable expenses include airfare, lodging, meals, research expenses, and the UCI tuition fee (PIRE does not cover other campus or student fees). Personal expenses incurred on a PIRE trip, such as entertainment or tourist activities, are not covered by PIRE, and are the responsibility of the student. When possible, allowable expenses are paid for directly by PIRE. A travel advance from PIRE is provided to cover allowable and documented expenses incurred while traveling, such as meals and research subject payments. We’ll provide you with instructions on how to track your PIRE expenses.

Who organizes my travel? Where would I be living?

Airfare and lodging is arranged by the PIRE project manager and paid directly by PIRE. Lodging differs by site and can vary from year to year. The most common arrangement is a private apartment near the campus. Other options include youth hostels and student hotels. Campus housing is usually not available to short-term visitors during the academic year. All lodging is arranged by the PIRE project manager in collaboration with the student and the PIRE partner. 

How is placement with a PIRE partner determined? 

Placement is determined by a number of factors that take into consideration the student’s research interests as well as those of the UCI PIRE advisor and PIRE partner. The type of research proposed as well as the type of population to be studied will also influence the site choice.  Research assistants are encouraged to discuss options with their PIRE faculty advisor.

Are classes required? Do I receive academic credit? 

PIRE fellows are immersed full-time in research while at the PIRE partner site. PIRE is not a classroom-based program. Students register through UCI for academic credit. Typically students will register for 4 credits of independent research and 8 credits of internship. These are not study abroad credits. While traveling, students meet virtually with their UCI advisor for an hour each week. PIRE partners provide on-site mentoring. Upon returning to UCI, students attend a series of seminars on campus during the final two weeks of term. During this time students will also begin to analyze their data, prepare a written report about their PIRE experience, create a research poster, and prepare a short presentation for our annual PIRE event.

Will I be on my own during the research abroad experience?

Not at all! You may travel alone to your PIRE partner site, however once there you will be working directly with our international partners and their research group.  PIRE partner faculty, post-docs, and graduate students also serve as mentors, in addition to your UCI PIRE advisor. We know the partners very well because we have collaborated with them and have visited them on multiple occasions. You will also meet virtually with your UCI PIRE advisor at least once weekly.

Do I need to be proficient in the language of the country I will be in?

For the majority of projects, especially those in Asia and Europe, you do not need to be proficient in the language of the country you will be visiting.  Communications with the PIRE partner will be in English.  The main goal of the travel abroad is for you to conduct research and gain research experience.  Some projects in Latin America may require proficiency in Spanish, your PIRE advisor can offer further guidance.

We encourage PIRE fellows to use the opportunity to learn about the country’s language and culture as much as possible.  Visiting another country can be one of the most rewarding experiences, and learning something about the language and culture will help you appreciate this even more! 

What am I required to do when I return from PIRE travel?

Undergraduate students will present preliminary findings and talk about their experience at our annual PIRE fellows presentation event and submit a written report of their research to their PIRE faculty mentor. Students will also prepare a poster for the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium held each spring.

I work during term and worried about losing my job if I’m away for so long. How can I participate in PIRE? 

We understand that many students juggle studies with jobs and we will work with you and your employer to see if there are ways that you can participate in PIRE without compromising your employment. We have been successful in the past in assisting students with gaining time-off, job security, and financial constraints that might arise. Talk with the PIRE project manager and we’ll work together on possible solutions.

How do I apply? Where is the application form?

If you are a student currently gaining research within a PIRE faculty’s research group, let them know you are interested in PIRE. Eligible students must have the support of their PIRE advisor to apply. Contact the PIRE project manager for the application package.

Your application package consists of an administrative form, a personal statement describing how the experience will enhance your career goals, a research project proposal and a copy of your curriculum vitae (CV). Your PIRE faculty adviser will also need to forward a letter of recommendation to the PIRE project manager.

When is the application deadline?

Applications are distributed two quarters in advance. They must be submitted no later than 12 weeks prior to travel, as preparations for the PIRE quarter begin soon after.

For further information contact:

Jennifer Fogarty, UCI PIRE Project Manager, jennifer.fogarty@uci.edu 

Judith Kroll, UCI PIRE Principal Investigator, jkroll@uci.edu