T-Shirt Design Contest

We are accepting submissions for a T-Shirt Design Contest! Put on your creative caps and come up with a design for postdoc t-shirt. A prize is available for the winner! All T-Shirt designs should be sent to the Postdoctoral Association email (ucipostdocs@gmail.com) on or before February 1st. Guidelines Please submit designs as vector graphics titled…Continue Reading T-Shirt Design Contest

Holiday Party

Join us for the Winter Holiday Party! Partners and spouses are welcome. The PDA will provide main dishes, beverages and games. Please bring a favorite side dish or dessert to share. When: December 15, 5 PM Where: Nat Sci I, Rm 1114 RSVP  …Continue Reading Holiday Party

Tamara Tate

Dr. Tamara Tate is a postdoctoral scholar in the Digital Learning Lab and School of Education working with Professor Mark Warschauer. She received her B.A. in English and Ph.D. in Education here at UCI. Tamara focuses on K-12 literacy education, technology-supported learning, and exceptional learners of all types. Her work has ranged from secondary analyses…Continue Reading Tamara Tate

Gaetano Speciale

Dr. Gaetano Speciale is a postdoctoral scholar working with Professor Gregory Weiss in the Department of Chemistry. He received his Ph.D. in Carbohydrate Chemistry from the University of Melbourne in 2016, and was awarded the G.I. Feutrill Award. His current research includes a corporate partnership to develop phage display and directed evolution of therapeutic proteases….Continue Reading Gaetano Speciale

Inventions, Patents, and Startups, oh my! Protecting and Commercializing Your UCI Research Results

Do you have an idea or results that can be turned into a real-world product? Postdoctoral scholars and graduate students are invited to learn about the steps involved in going from research to products in the market while being protected. Alvin Viray, Esq. Associate Director Invention Transfer Group, UCI Applied Innovation Alvin Viray is a…Continue Reading Inventions, Patents, and Startups, oh my! Protecting and Commercializing Your UCI Research Results

Wendy Brown

Dr. Wendy Brown is a translational postdoctoral fellow at DELTAi (Driving Engineering & Life-science Advances @Irvine) in the Biomedical Engineering Department under Professor Kyriacos A. Athanasiou. She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from UC Davis in 2017 and cheered professionally for the Oakland Raiders and Sacramento Kings while in school. Wendy’s Ph.D. research focused…Continue Reading Wendy Brown