Dr. Gaetano Speciale is a postdoctoral scholar working with Professor Gregory Weiss in the Department of Chemistry. He received his Ph.D. in Carbohydrate Chemistry from the University of Melbourne in 2016, and was awarded the G.I. Feutrill Award. His current research includes a corporate partnership to develop phage display and directed evolution of therapeutic proteases. He has developed FRET, fluorescence intensity and polarization assays for the measurement of on-phage kinetics and library screening as well as developed binding assays for biosensors aimed to real-time insulin sensing.

Tano is a member of the Postdoctoral Scholar Association (PDA) steering committee. He was a key organizer of Postdocs at the Forefront 2017‚ he also obtained substantial vendor financial support for the symposium. He continues to enthusiastically support professional and social events for postdocs, and is currently organizing pickup games for postdocs.

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