5th Annual UCI Postdoctoral Scholar Research Symposium
Interdiscplinary Research Collaboration
UCI | March 24, 2021 |
***Registration is Open***
Following huge success from previous years, the UCI Postdoctoral Association and the UCI Graduate Division are proud to host the
5th Annual UCI Postdoctoral Scholar Research Symposium, “Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration”.
The symposium will feature talks from postdocs from across campus and other universities.
Keynote Lecture:
“Enhancing the Effectiveness of Collaborative Scholarship – Insights from the Science of Team Science”
Dan Stokols, Research Professor and Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus in Psychology and Social Behavior and Planning, Policy, and Design at University of California, Irvine
UCI Office of Academic Personnel guidance language related to team science for faculty preparing their dossiers for merit and promotion reviews
TSAL article on “Strengthening the Ecosystem for Effective Team Science”.
Take the opportunity to practice presenting your research to a broader audience! Be well prepared for potential job interviews and use the occasion to increase your scientific network and find future collaborations.
We welcome oral and poster abstract submissions from UCI and other academic institutions.
All members of the UCI community and members of local academic or BioTech institutions are encouraged to attend as well!
Important Dates
Feb 12
Abstract submission deadline for speaker presentation