Say No to Vertigo

Ever felt like the world was spinning out of control? Do you suddenly feel dizzy? In severe cases, this may be symptoms of vertigo. One of the most common causes of vertigo, also known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which causes episodes of mild to intense dizziness. This usually occurs when the head position is changed in such a way that disturbs your balance in the inner ear.

Some of the symptoms of BPPV include:

  1. Dizziness
  2. A sense that you or your surroundings are moving or spinning
  3. Loss of balance
  4. Unsteadiness
  5. Nausea
  6. Vomiting

While the symptoms may be short and sudden, it may be frightening and cause confusion to those who have BPPV. Those with a history of mild to severe head trauma, have a job that requires them to be seated for long periods of time, do high intensity aerobics or have inner ear disease may bring on BPPV attacks.

Luckily, BPPV is treatable at the doctor’s office, where they will observe for nystagmus, where the patient’s eyes are observed for any jerking motions that accompany vertigo by changing head position. This procedure is done through a diagnostic test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver.

After diagnosis, the patient will be treated using the Epley maneuver, which involves turning the patient’s head in a way that helps remove crystals stuck in the inner ear and float out the semicircular canal. Surgery for this condition is rare unless vertigo is caused by severe ear infections. 

BPPV is a recurring condition in half the people that experience vertigo but there are home exercises that help with the management of symptoms.


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