Working with Exercise

Fitting exercise into our busy daily life routines is difficult and oftentimes nearly impossible. Work stress, school projects, taking care of chores already cause so much stress; why add more work when you could relax?

By working out, the brain releases various chemicals that help boost one’s mood and energy. This greatly improves mental health and is a good way to destress after a long day. Exercise also helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your body, making your cardiovascular system work more smoothly. This helps improve your heart and lung health, causing you to feel more energized throughout the day.

According to numerous research studies, daily physical activity is important and extremely beneficial for both mental and physical health. On average, the recommended amount of exercise time is 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. It is recommended that a mixture of both is spread out over the week. In addition to aerobic exercises, strength training is highly recommended for stronger muscles and bone density. 

The benefits of exercise are as follows:

  1. Decreases risk of cancers such as colon, breast, uterine and lung cancer
  2. Helps improve mental health and alleviates stress
  3. Better sleep
  4. Stronger bones and muscles
  5. Reduces risk of Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  6. Maintains/lose weight

While going to the gym may be a hobby for many, staying active throughout the day is much more effective. For example, going for a stroll around the park or the neighborhood with friends and family is a good way to both destress and get exercise. For those that are looking for a good challenge, joining a cycling class or going on hikes are good options as well. There are also several YouTube tutorials that focus on strength training with little or no equipment. 

However, it is important to get proper rest and nutrition after exercising to allow your muscles to rest. 



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