Research Funding



Grant Title

Award Dates

Award Amount
(Direct Costs)

NIH R01 EY032948

David Lyon PI;
Magdalene Seiler MPI

Retinal sheet transplant impact on functional organization of visual cortex in retinal degenerate animal models

05/01/2022 – 03/31/2026


NIH R01EY031834 Magdalene Seiler PI; Biju B. Thomas (USC) MPI
Integration and Functionality of Retinal Organoid Transplants 05/01/2021 – 03/31/2026 $2,287,201
CIRM TRAN1-10995 Magdalene Seiler Morphological and Functional Integration of Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Organoid Sheets Into Degenerating Retina Models 09/01/2018 – 08/31/2021 $4,769,039
NIH R44EY027654 PI: Igor Nasonkin (Biotime, Inc.)
Co-PI: Magdalene Seiler
Retinal Tissue Derived From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Vision Restoration 09/30/2017 – 05/31/2019 $743,345
CIRM DISC1-09912 Biju B. Thomas (USC)
Co-PI: Magdalene Seiler
A Novel Tissue Engineering Technique to Repair Degenerated Retina 09/01/2017 – 08/31/2018 $215,133
CIRM TR4-06648 Magdalene Seiler Restoring Vision by Sheet Transplants of Retinal Progenitors and Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) 03/01/2014 – 12/31/2017 $3,998,948
NIH R01EY0124045 Hans Keirstead (AIVITA Biomedical Inc.)
Co-PI: Magdalene Seiler
3D Retina-RPE Constructs for Vision Restoration in New Rat Retinal Degeneration Model 02/01/2014 – 01/31/2018 $747,636