It is with great pleasure to announce that the UC Recruit system-wide application has successfully reached the significant milestone of all 10 campuses having a production UC Recruit site as of July 1, 2013. We would like to take the opportunity to thank and recognize those who have devoted significant time and effort to this project and its success and share a bit more about this initiative.
UC Recruit significantly streamlines the faculty recruitment and application process by automating a process that historically has been a very labor-intensive manual process and brings forth significant cost saving and efficiencies.
UC Recruit is the result of a highly successful collaborative effort which started at UCI in 2006 and included the Office of Academic Personnel, OIT, and the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science where we facilitated collaboration across academic departments to expand a “school-grown” online faculty recruitment system into a campus-wide application. Late in 2009, UC Irvine and UC San Diego proactively collaborated on the delivery of two common academic systems. UCI hosted Recruit for both campuses but provided a campus-specific front-end; UCSD hosted a faculty review system, again with a local look and feel. The collaboration grew and became a more robust operational framework – so much so that in June 2011, all ten campuses and the Office of the President committed to using UC Recruit as a common faculty recruitment system, hosted and maintained by UCI. The initiative now reports to the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel (UCOP) and a Governance Board defines enhancements and establishes priorities.
On behalf of OIT and the Office of Academic Personnel, we would like to thank Max Garrick for his leadership in managing this highly complex system-wide project and undertaking this partnership. Congratulations and kudos also goes to the following key players for their dedication and teamwork on completing this significant milestone:
- Gwen Black (OEOD)
- Jean Chin (AP)
- Max Garrick (OIT)
- Kim Gerrard (OIT)
- Jose Hales-Garcia (OIT)
- Marian Nedelchev (OIT)
- Ilona Pak (AP)
- Duncan Phillips (OIT)
- David Pritikin (OIT)
- Seth Roby (OIT)
- Ray Vadnais (OIT)
- Nancy Vongsawat (AP)
Hats off to the UC Recruit team from the project sponsors, Shohreh Bozorgmehri (Director, Academic & Network Applications) and Joan Tenma (Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel)!