Our Team

Co-director Marvin Maldonado

I’m the Director of STEM Education & Pathways, and I oversee a variety of outreach initiatives for the Schools of Engineering and ICS. I’m a proud Anteater, having earned my electrical engineering degree here a few years back and now I hope to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists through our programs. I’m excited to bring BioEYES to SoCal and to see the students’ faces light up with the zebrafish!

Outreach Educator Star Lee

I am an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology. I am interested in improving how we teach and making science accessible to all students. With SoCal BioEYEs, I look forward to providing an engaging, learning experience for students to help develop their interests in science.

Scientific Advisor Travis Wiles

I am a new Assistant Professor at UCI. In my research lab we explore the connections between animals and the microbial world. We use transparent zebrafish together with genetically engineered microbial communities and live imaging to spy on the inner workings of the gut microbiome. (https://www.wileslab.org/)

Co-director Mike Parsons

Hi, my lab uses the zebrafish to research development and tissue regeneration. I have seen the great work BioEYEs does in Baltimore and wanted to bring this educational opportunity to SoCal. Zebrafish develop so quickly and are amazing to observe under a microscope.


Outreach educator Maria Banuelos

I am a new postdoc in the lab of Travis Wiles at UC Irvine. I am a Southern California native, with most of my time spent in the Inland Empire. At UC Irvine I study how antibiotic resistance emerges and spreads in gut bacterial communities.  

Fish Technician Deena Khoury

I am a recent graduate from UCI with a degree in Biological Sciences. I currently do research in the Parsons Lab and hope to go to Med. School in the near future. In my spare time, I like to be active and volunteer for Spirit league (supporting kids with disabilities). For SoCal BioEYEs, I manage the fish colony and help wherever I can.

Volunteer recruiter Tori Tucker

I graduated from UCI with a bachelor’s degree in Developmental and Cell Biology. I am currently a PhD Candidate in the Parsons Lab where I study the regeneration of insulin-producing beta cells. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my cats, draw, cook, and take part in type one diabetes outreach groups. For SoCal BioEYES, I design our graphics and recruit students to be a part of our outreach program.

The SoCal BioEYEs army of undergrad volunteers – who maintain the fish and also participate in the classroom experience.

Cristina, Katelyn, Yostina,
Christina, Karen,
Mariangelaine, Quinny,
Candice and Nida