This is an UPDATED expanded list of the instructional FAQs that we sent to SOH faculty, staff, and graduate students on September 17, 2021:
How can I get the most up-to-date information about COVID cases on campus? How does an instructor handle COVID-19 infections in a class?
Such information is updated daily on the UCI Forward Dashboard ( You can also use the “Report a campus COVID-10 Case” tab to report cases.
Students and faculty in the classroom with infected students will be notified of the exposure by UCI’s contact tracing team. The faculty member will be asked to inform the TAs who were there during the class time.
Instructors should not ask students or ASEs (TAs, Readers, etc.) whether they are vaccinated or request proof of vaccination.
Regarding the second question, the UCI’s Fall 2021 COVID-19 Resources page notes that “UCI Contact Tracing and Vaccine Navigation Services and the Student Health Center establish how long a student needs to isolate following testing positive for COVID-19 and Student Health Center medical staff is responsible to clear students from isolation.”
Can I offer my classes remotely?
The senate has issued a waiver, which makes it possible for some classes that have not been approved as online courses to be offered remotely in Fall 2021 and Winter 2022. In the School of Humanities, instructors may request to teach their classes remotely in these quarters. Such requests are reviewed first by department chairs/program directors and then by the dean on the basis of health/medical as well as pedagogical reasons. The “waiver” only covers the fall and winter quarters. In the Spring 2022, all regular courses are expected in be delivered in person. We expect that instructors will be able to incorporate the online materials and technologies that they developed during the remote-teaching period into their teaching in the post-pandemic era.
How do I report a COVID case?
Now that faculty, staff and students have returned to campus, it is important to know how to report a COVID case or a suspected case of exposure. If you become aware of a case or possible exposure, this website and checklist can address your questions. You may also call 949-824-9918 to consult with UCI’s COVID help line.
Are instructors able to know whether the students in their classes are vaccinated or not?
Instructors will not be able to confirm which of their students are vaccinated. However, note that 98% of UCI students are vaccinated. Some students will be studying on campus with an approved exception or deferral from the requirement to be vaccinated. Instructors are not responsible for enforcing the vaccination policy.
It is Student Affairs that is responsible for enforcing student compliance with the COVID-19 Vaccine Policy. Students who do not comply with UC vaccination requirements, including the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, may be subject to disciplinary action or loss of campus privileges, including but not limited to loss of Wi-Fi privileges, restriction from campus resources, restriction of access to campus, and an academic registration hold restricting students from registering for classes. Disciplinary action can include probation, suspension, or dismissal from the university.
What if a student refuses to wear a campus-required face covering in class?
The campus mask mandate is covered by the Student Code of Conduct. Students must adhere to face covering requirements in the same way that they must conform to other elements of the Code of Student Conduct and other campus policies. If a student shows up to class or office hours without a face covering while campus guidance requires them, you may remind the student of the requirement and ask them to put on their face covering. If the student refuses to put one on, you may ask the student to leave, just as you would ask a student who is being disruptive to either cease their disruptive behavior or leave. If you cannot control the situation yourself, you may end class early for the well-being of all. Please report incidents to the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC). OAISC will need the students’ name, SID and other relevant information submitted via the online report form.
If a student has a disability accommodation to attend class without a mask, you would be notified in advance by the Disability Services Center. You should know that this is an unlikely scenario since other options would be considered such as remote instruction. For any questions regarding disability accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Center.
You should not call UCIPD to report failure to wear a face covering. UCIPD is not charged with enforcement of face covering requirements and failure to wear a face covering is not a police emergency.
Are instructors required to wear a face covering while teaching, if face coverings are required by campus?
Face coverings are currently mandated, and campus is distributing face coverings including masks with clear panels for those who teach students who read lips. Therefore, faculty are required to use them while teaching. Many classrooms have microphones available and additional microphones will be available for instructors to check out (see next question). Microphones are being tested with multiple types of face coverings to confirm compatibility and identify any limitations.
Where should faculty direct students if asked about attending an in-person course remotely?
If a student indicates that their situation is related to a disability or medical condition, please refer them to the Disability Services Center: For other circumstances, such as travel restrictions or financial hardship, you may direct students to an academic advisor or department resources if you feel that would be a more appropriate starting point.
Additional resources, including training and classroom support, will be available to assist faculty in providing instructional content for these students. To request additional support, please email
UCI students have been informed that there are no “special” exceptions for remote instruction in Winter quarter. Except for formal disability accommodation, instructors are not expected or required to make special accommodations. They may choose to do so on their own. In addition, many instructors have developed mechanisms to address situations where students may miss a small number of classes or assignments. Recording lectures is another way that can help some students.
Where can instructors find standard language to include in their syllabi to cover topics like reasonable accommodations, requirements for participation in in-person activities, and compliance with University safety protocols and policies?
Please see the website “Standard Syllabus Language for 2021/22” inside the UCI Teach Anywhere Site.
If students have cold, flu or COVID symptoms, what should they do?
They should not come to class and should immediately report the symptoms via the Daily Symptom Check, which is available through email and mobile app. The Teach Anywhere site suggests some options to address the impact on the student’s progress:
Do we need to maintain social distancing in the classroom?
Right now, all in-person classes are scheduled at 100% capacity based on Cal/OSHA COVID-19 emergency temporary standards.
What should I do when I need to travel away from campus?
Section II of “Fall 2021 Guidance: COVID-19 Prevention Strategies” includes guidelines about preventive pre-travel and reentry measures:
COVID-19 testing is available
UCI’s “drop-in” asymptomatic COVID-19 testing is available for those students and employees who may be traveling and want a COVID-19 test for pre or post travel or before or after attending a gathering.
The locations and hours (now to Dec. 10) can be found here:
Finally, the following are some useful websites:
UCI Covid-19 Response Center (
Resources for Students and Families:;
Transition to Post-Pandemic Teaching:
Fall 2021 COVID-19 Resources: This contains a helpful Q&A about instructional issues.
UCI Teach Anywhere:
Links to UCI town halls: (one of the town halls addressed issues concerning Transitioning Back to In-Person Instruction).
If you have any additional questions, please contact the DTEI problem-solving team at 949-824-3594 or