S-STEM Pathways is the result of the hard work and determination of the following team members to help provide an avenue of success to students.

Lorenzo Valdevit, Principal Investigator (PI)
Professor of Material Science and Engineering
Professor (Joint Appointment) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director of Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation (IDMI)
Phone: (949) 824-4173
Email: valvedit@uci.edu

Analía E. Rao, MSW, LCSW-GA
Executive Director for Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion
Samueli School of Engineering
Email: aerao@uci.edu

Jacquelynne Eccles
Distinguished Professor of Education
School of Education
Phone: (949) 824-5560
Email: jseccles@uci.edu

Anna-Lena Dicke
Associate Project Scientist
School of Education
Email: adicke@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-3462
Office: 3462 Education

Kameryn Denaro
Project Scientist
Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI)
Email: kdenaro@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-1398

David Copp
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Samueli School of Engineering
Email: dcopp@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-7829


Kevin Huang
Master’s Student in MAE (SSoE), S-STEM Alum
Email: hsuanh1@uci.edu


Donald Fruta
Administrative Analyst
Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation (IDMI)
Email: dfruta@uci.edu
Phone: (949) 824-4105

Lisseth Garcia
Administrative Coordinator for Stacey Nicholas Office of Access and Inclusion
Samueli School of Engineering
Email: lissetg3@uci.edu
Phone: (949)824-2871