
  • RapidTech is our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, in support of research, education and industry outreach.


  • FABWorks: Offering experiential learning opportunities, FABWorks is a facility that reinvents the way people create and innovate. As part of UCI’s Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation (IDMI) in the Samueli School of Engineering, FABWorks offers space in the Calit2 Building where users can design and fabricate almost anything, providing access to a host of machines and technical staff ready to offer machine training and design help.


  • UCI 3D Printing Club: The 3D Printing Club strives to educate students, faculty and the campus community of the emerging technology of 3D printing and to provide an innovative and creative space for students to thrive and develop as innovators, leaders, and inventors. Along with faculty and industry professionals, we will facilitate a cooperative, collaborative learning community for students, by students. We aim to provide students the necessary knowledge, skills, and hands-on research to develop student innovation, creativity, and leadership in the industry of 3D printing, design, and production.