SWADE Workshop #2 – April 17, 2023

Use Case Abstracts and Slides

Use Case 1: SWADE System for Resilience Assessment
The resilience assessment tool is being designed to allow agencies to assess their exposure to
earthquake hazards and to exchange information with other agencies under similar conditions.
Ideally, agencies will be able to access a newly developed database that contains anonymized
high-level system profiles of all water systems in California that shows, among others, the
general vintage of the system, the type of distribution network (e.g., linear versus gridded),
general information about the serviced population (% residential, commercial, and industrial
customers). Based on a preliminary search, an agency can find several other agencies that match
up generally with its own characteristics, including seismic hazard exposure. The agency can
also determine whether an assessment would be needed to better understand its risks and whether
some type of mitigation program would be warranted.

Use Case 2: Detecting Sources of Water Quality Impairment
Dry weather events in stormwater networks consist of illicit discharges that are introduced into
the network during periods of no rain. To mitigate the potential negative ecological effects and
comply with community regulations, we examine solutions enabled by the instrumentation of
sensors in stormwater networks. To this end, the SWADE team is working on developing a tool
to aid in exploring the impacts of different sensor placements. The demo today will showcase an
initial version of our tool and its proposed features, including i) a dashboard to ingest a EPA
SWMM network and examine several key properties; ii) a menu to enter sensor-related details
and various other constraints for generating a potential placement; and iii) a simulation-based
analysis to explore the impacts on the stormwater network under hypothetical
scenarios. Through this dashboard tool, agencies can examine the monitoring capabilities of a
potential sensor placement.

Use Case 3: Maintaining Institutional Knowledge Using Data-Driven Tools
Institutional knowledge is the collective knowledge, experience, and expertise that resides within
an organization, and it is essential for achieving sustainable growth and success. However, the
implicit and tacit nature of knowledge acquired through years of working experience can become
very challenging to effectively and fully transfer to interested parties. A wealth of institutional
knowledge can be lost during employee turnover or when processes change over time. Process
mining allows organizations to obtain a comprehensive and objective view of their processes,
obtain deeper insights into their workflow, and pinpoint areas for improvement through the use
of data-driven techniques. By leveraging process mining, organizations can maintain institutional
knowledge, improve their operational efficiency, and enhance their overall performance. During
this presentation, we will explore the advantages of process mining in preserving institutional
knowledge and showcase a brief demonstration of process mining in a waste-water treatment
workflow scenario.