Our mission is to provide medical students with a supportive learning environment, one that is conducive to maximizing every individual’s potential and wellness as they navigate through the curriculum of the UC Irvine School of Medicine.
We are committed to helping you be successful and happy as you learn more about who you are and where your future in medicine will be.
We are here to assist you with academic, career and personal counseling. We will ensure that you find the mentors best suited to your interests and goals.
We also strive to foster a strong collegial bond between all of our students and to support multiple student activities and social events.
Medical school is one of the most exciting, stimulating, rewarding yet challenging times you will have in your life. We are there with you every step of the way!
Feel free to contact us anytime! We are located in the Med Ed building and we welcome all students to stop by and say hello to your Student Support team!
Megan Boysen Osborn, MD, MHPE
Senior Associate Dean for Students
Nancy Guirguis, EdD, MSW
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
Director, Medical Student Wellness Program
Director, Student Support
Kyle Paredes, MD, MBA
Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
Carol Major, MD
Assistant Dean, Student Inclusive Excellence
LEAD-ABC Director
Chuck Vega, MD
Assistant Dean, Cultural and Community Education
PRIME-LC Director
Cristobal Barrios, MD
Assistant Dean, Admissions
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