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WiCyS 2024 Conference: Diverse Perspectives and Experiences

The Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) 2024 Conference ( was held in Nashville, Tennessee this past April, coinciding with the organization’s 10th anniversary! The conference brought together a multitude of voices and experiences within the cybersecurity community, showcasing the diversity and richness of the WiCyS community. Several of our WiCyS at UCI student chapter officers and student members had the opportunity to attend through student scholarships, and we share their insights and reflection from the conference below. 

Olivia Figueira (President) expressed gratitude for the opportunity to attend the conference, highlighting the invaluable experience of hearing from WiCyS founder Dr. Ambareen Siraj and her journey through academia and creating the WiCyS organization, as well as engaging with peers, academia members, and industry partners in the cybersecurity community.

Renascence Tarafder Prapty (Vice President), worked to maximize her conference engagement. From presenting a research poster to arranging meetups and navigating the career fair, Prapty proactively engaged in networking and conference opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Yu Duan (Program Coordinator) was deeply inspired by the conference’s keynote speakers and the insights they shared. Reflecting on themes of transparency, accountability, and resilience, the keynotes underscored the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in fostering a thriving community in cybersecurity and personal career development.

Zhuoyi Yang (student chapter member) was a first-time attendee, and she had an exhilarating experience at the conference. From volunteering at the career fair to participating in unexpected activities like a tractor hacking competition, Zhuoyi appreciated the chance to connect with peers, engage with recruiters, and contribute to qualitative research on women in cybersecurity.

Across these diverse perspectives, a common thread emerged: the WiCyS 2024 Conference served as a platform for celebrating community, fostering collaboration, and empowering women in cybersecurity. As attendees look forward to future conferences, they carry with them the insights, connections, and inspiration gained from this transformative event.

Whether it was through academic presentations, career development opportunities, or simply connecting with like-minded individuals, the WiCyS 2024 Conference had a lasting impact on all who attended, reinforcing the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and collective action in advancing the field of cybersecurity. The WiCyS at UCI student chapter expresses gratitude to WiCyS for providing them with such a valuable opportunity.

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