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Peer-Reviewed Publications (Publish as: Xiaoming Wang or Chloe Wang)

  1. Atieli HE, Zhou G, Zhong D, Wang X, Lee MC, Yaro AS, Diallo M, Githure J, Kazura J, Lehmann T, Yan G. Wind-assisted high-altitude dispersal of mosquitoes and other insects in East Africa. Journal of Medical Entomology. 2023 Apr 24:tjad033.
  2. Ondeto, B.M., Wang, X., Atieli, H., Zhong, D., Zhou, G., Lee, M.C., Orondo, P.W., Ochwedo, K.O., Omondi, C.J., Muriu, S.M. and Odongo, D.O., 2022. A prospective cohort study of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in three sites of Western KenyaParasites & Vectors15(1), pp.1-14.
  3. Ondeto, B.M., Wang, X., Atieli, H., Orondo, P.W., Ochwedo, K.O., Omondi, C.J., Otambo, W.O., Zhong, D., Zhou, G., Lee, M.C. and Muriu, S.M., 2022. Malaria vector bionomics and transmission in irrigated and non-irrigated sites in western KenyaParasitology Research121(12), pp.3529-3545.
  4. Orondo, P.W., Wang, X., Lee, M.C., Nyanjom, S.G., Atieli, H., Ondeto, B.M., Ochwedo, K.O., Omondi, C.J., Otambo, W.O., Zhou, G. and Zhong, D., 2022. Habitat Diversity, Stability, and Productivity of Malaria Vectors in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Ecosystems in Western KenyaJournal of Medical Entomology.
  5. Zhou, G., Hemming-Schroeder, E., Jeang, B., Wang, X., Zhong, D., Lee, M.C., Li, Y., Bradley, L., Gobran, S.R., David, R.E. and Ondeto, B.M., 2022. Irrigation-Induced Environmental Changes Sustain Malaria Transmission and Compromise Intervention EffectivenessThe Journal of Infectious Diseases226(9), pp.1657-1666.
  6. Otambo, W.O., Onyango, P.O., Ochwedo, K., Olumeh, J., Onyango, S.A., Orondo, P., Atieli, H., Lee, M.C., Wang, C., Zhong, D. and Githeko, A., 2022. Clinical malaria incidence and health seeking pattern in geographically heterogeneous landscape of western KenyaBMC infectious diseases22(1), pp.1-13.
  7. Yan, G., Lee, M.C., Zhou, G., Jiang, A.L., Degefa, T., Zhong, D., Wang, X., Hemming-Schroeder, E., Mukabana, W.R., Dent, A.E. and King, C.L., 2022. Impact of Environmental Modifications on the Ecology, Epidemiology, and Pathogenesis of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax Malaria in East AfricaThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene107(4 Suppl), p.5.
  8. Githure, J.I., Yewhalaw, D., Atieli, H., Hemming-Schroeder, E., Lee, M.C., Wang, X., Zhou, G., Zhong, D., King, C.L., Dent, A. and Mukabana, W.R., 2022. Enhancing Malaria Research, Surveillance, and Control in Endemic Areas of Kenya and EthiopiaThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene107(4 Suppl), p.14.
  9. Otambo, W.O., Onyango, P.O., Wang, C., Olumeh, J., Ondeto, B., Lee, Mc., Atieli, H., Githeko, A., Kazura, J., Zhong, D., Zhou, G., Githurie, J., Ouma, C., Yan, G., 2022 Influence of landscape heterogeneity on entomological and parasitological indices of malaria in Kisumu, Western KenyaParasites Vectors 15: 340.
  10. Zhong, D., Aung, P.L., Mya, M.M., Wang, X., Qin, Q., Soe, M.T., Zhou, G., Kyaw, M.P., Sattabongkot, J., Cui, L. and Yan, G., 2022. Community structure and insecticide resistance of malaria vectors in northern-central Myanmar. Parasites & vectors, 15(1), pp.1-12.
  11. Qian, M.B., Patel, C., Palmeirim, M.S., Wang, X., Schindler, C., Utzinger, J., Zhou, X.N. and Keiser, J., 2022. Efficacy of drugs against clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet Microbe.
  12. Otambo WO, Olumeh JO, Ochwedo KO, Magomere EO, Debrah I, Ouma C, Onyango P, Atieli H, Mukabana WR, Wang C, Lee MC. Health care provider practices in diagnosis and treatment of malaria in rural communities in Kisumu County, Kenya. Malaria Journal. 2022 Apr 22;21(1):129.
  13. Otambo, W.O., Omondi, C.J., Ochwedo, K.O., Onyango, P.O., Atieli, H., Lee, M.C., Wang, C., Zhou, G., Githeko, A.K., Githure, J. and Ouma, C., 2022. Risk associations of submicroscopic malaria infection in lakeshore, plateau and highland areas of Kisumu County in western Kenya. Plos one, 17(5), p.e0268463.
  14. Zhou, G., Li, Y., Jeang, B., Wang, X., Cummings, R.F., Zhong, D., Yan, G.., 2022. Emerging Mosquito Resistance to Piperonyl Butoxide-Synergized Pyrethroid Insecticide and Its Mechanism. J Med Entomol. 2022 Jan 20:tjab231. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjab231. PMID: 35050361.
  15. Li, J., Wang, X., Rangel, D., Krueger, L., Nguyen, K., Cummings, R., 2021. Rickettsial infections in fleas of southern California. Proceedings and Papers of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. 89 (1): 19-21.
  16. Morgan, T., Sun, S., Wang, X., Semrow, A., Cummings, R., 2021. WALS®: Treatments using an A1 Super Duty Sprayer in three habitats of Orange County, California. Proceedings and Papers of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. 89 (1): 115-119.
  17. Zhou G, Lee MC, Wang X, Zhong D, Hemming-Schroeder E, Yan G. An Adaptive Intervention Trial Design for Finding the Optimal Integrated Strategies for Malaria Control and Elimination in Africa: A Model Simulation Study. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2021 Sep 7:tpmd200254.
  18. Wang, X., Zhou, G., Zhong, D., Li Y., Octaviani S., Shin A., Morgan T, Nguyen K, Bastear J., Doyle M, Cummings R, Yan, G. Impact of underground storm drain systems on larval ecology of Culex and Aedes species in urban environments of Southern CaliforniaSci Rep 11, 12667 (2021).
  19. Zhou, H., Wang, X., Xu, Q., Wang, X., Ma, Y., Shi, Y., Wu, Z., Zhu, P., Zhao, J., Xu, R., Lin, C., and Xiao, N., 2021. An Investigation of a Confirmed Imported Case of COVID-19 Infected Abroad—Qingpu District, Shanghai Municipality, China, November 15, 2020. China CDC Weekly, pp.207-210.
  20. Zhou, H., Wang, X., Wang, G., Li, S., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Lin, J., Tian, J., Xu, R., Lin, C., and Xiao, N., 2021. An Imported Confirmed Case of COVID-19 Vaccinated in Brazil—Shanghai Municipality, China, March 17, 2021. China CDC Weekly. 2021:544-6.
  21. Zhou G, Zhong D, Lee MC, Wang X, Atieli HE, Githure JI, Githeko AK, Kazura J, Yan G. Multi-Indicator and Multistep Assessment of Malaria Transmission Risks in Western KenyaThe American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2021 Feb 8. tpmd201211. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-1211. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33556042.
  22. Zhou G, Yu L, Wang X, Zhong D, Lee MC, Kibret S, Yan G., 2020. Behavioral response of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes against spatial repellent: A modified self-propelled particle model simulationPLoS One, 15(12): 0244447.
  23. Li Y, Zhou G, Zhong D, Wang X, Hemming‐Schroeder E, David RE, Lee MC, Zhong S, Yi G, Liu Z, Cui G., 2020. Widespread Multiple Insecticide Resistance in the Major Dengue Vector Aedes albopictus in Hainan Province, ChinaPest Management Science. 2020 Dec 10. doi: 10.1002/ps.6222
  24. Machani, M.G., Ochomo, E., Zhong, D., Zhou, G., Wang, X., Githeko, A.K., Yan, G. and Afrane, Y.A., 2020. Phenotypic, genotypic and biochemical changes during pyrethroid resistance selection in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoesScientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-8.
  25. Zhong, D., Hemming-Schroeder, E., Wang, X., Kibret, S., Zhou, G., Atieli, H., Lee, M.C., Afrane, Y.A., Githeko, A.K. and Yan, G., 2020. Extensive new Anopheles cryptic species involved in human malaria transmission in western KenyaScientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-13.
  26. Li, Y., Zhou, G., Zhong, S., Wang, X., Zhong, D., Hemming-Schroeder, E., Yi, G., Fu, F., Fu, F., Cui, L. and Cui, G., 2020. Spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of mosquito population density and community structure in Hainan Island, ChinaParasites & Vectors13(1), pp.1-11.
  27. Chang, X., Zhong, D., Wang, X., Bonizzoni, M., Li, Y., Zhou, G., Cui, L., Wei, X. and Yan, G., 2020. Genomic Variant Analyses in Pyrethroid Resistant and Susceptible Malaria Vector, Anopheles sinensisG3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics10(7), pp.2185-2193.
  28. Wang X., Cummings R., Octaviani S., Shin A., Shin P., Bastear J., Yan, G., 2020. Significance of Underground Storm Drain Systems (USDS) Breeding Sites for Invasive Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes in Southern CaliforniaProceedings and Papers of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. 88 (1): 130-131.
  29. Su, X., Guo, Y., Deng, J., Xu, J., Zhou, G., Zhou, T., Li, Y., Zhong, D., Kong, L., Wang, X. and Liu, M., 2019. Fast emerging insecticide resistance in Aedes albopictus in Guangzhou, China: Alarm to the dengue epidemicPLoS neglected tropical diseases13(9), p.e0007665.
  30. Wang X, Liu T, Wu Y, Zhong D, Zhou G, Su X, Xu J, Sotero CF, Sadruddin AA, Wu K, Chen XG, Yan G. (2018). “Bacterial microbiota assemblage in Aedes albopictus mosquitoes and its impacts on larval development”. Molecular Ecology. 2018 Jul; 27(14):2972-85.
  31. Zhong D, Lo E, Wang X, Yewhalaw D, Zhou G, Atieli HE, Githeko A, Hemming-Schroeder E, Lee MC, Afrane Y, Yan G. (2018). Multiplicity and molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections in East Africa. Malaria Journal. 17(1):185.
  32. Kahindi SC, Muriu S, Derua YA, Wang X, Zhou G, Lee MC, Mwangangi J, Atieli H, Githeko AK, Yan G. (2018). Efficacy and persistence of long-lasting microbial larvicides against malaria vectors in western Kenya highlandsParasites & vectors. 11(1):438.
  33. Derua YA, Kahindi SC, Mosha FW, Kweka EJ, Atieli HE, Wang X, Zhou G, Lee MC, Githeko AK, Yan G. (2018). Microbial larvicides for mosquito control: Impact of long lasting formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus on non‐target organisms in western Kenya highlandsEcology and evolution. 8(15):7563-73.
  34. Wang, X., Wu, K., Chen, X., Yan G. (2017). “Advances in assemblages and functions of mosquito-bacteria symbiosis”, Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, 35(3): 305-312.
  35. Wang, X., Zhou, G., Zhong, D., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Yang, Z., Cui, L. and Yan, G. (2016). Life-table studies revealed significant effects of deforestation on the development and survivorship of Anopheles minimus larvaeParasites & Vectors, 9:323.
  36. Liu, T., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Gu, J., Yan, G., and Chen, X. G. (2017). Antiviral systems in vector mosquitoes. Developmental & Comparative Immunology
  37. Zhong, D., Wang, X., Xu, T., Zhou, G., Wang, Y., Lee, M. C., Hartsel, J.A., Cui, L. and Yan, G. (2016). Effects of microclimate condition changes due to land use and land cover changes on the survivorship of malaria vectors in China-Myanmar border region. PLoS One, 11(5): e0155301.
  38. Liu, H., Liu, T., Xie, L., Wang, X., Deng, Y., Chen, C.H., James, A.A. and Chen, X.G. and Yan, G. (2016). Functional analysis of Orco and odorant receptors in odor recognition in Aedes albopictusParasites & Vectors, 9: 363. 10.1186/s13071-016-1644-9
  39. Chang, X., Zhong, D., Lo, E., Fang, Q., Bonizzoni, M., Wang, X., Lee, M., Zhou, G., Zhu, G., Qin, Q., Chen, X., Cui, L. and Yan, G. (2016). Landscape genetic structure and evolutionary genetics of insecticide resistance gene mutations in Anopheles sinensisParasites & Vectors, 9: 228. 016-1513-6
  40. Xu, J., Bonizzoni, M., Zhong, D., Zhou, G., Cai, S., Li, Y., Wang, X., Lo, E., Lee, R., Sheen, R. and Duan, J., Yan G. and Chen, X. (2016). Multi-country Survey Revealed Prevalent and Novel F1534S Mutation in Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel (VGSC) Gene in Aedes albopictusPLoS Negl Trop Dis, 10: p.e0004696. /journal.pntd.0004696
  41. Zhou, G., Lo, E., Zhong, D., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Malla, S., Lee, M., Yang, Z., Cui, L. and Yan, G. (2016). Impact of interventions on malaria in internally displaced persons along the China–Myanmar border: 2011–2014Malaria journal, 15: 471. https://doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1512-2
  42. Zhou J, Wang X, Kuang M, Wang L, Luo HB, Mo Y, Wu R. Protonation-triggered carbon-chain elongation in geranyl pyrophosphate synthase (GPPS). ACS Catalysis. 2015 Jul 2;5(7):4466-78.
  43. Zhou, N., Wang, X., Deng, Y., Liu, H., Liu, T., and Chen, X. 2014. “Cloning, identification and preliminary functional analysis of odorant receptor 7 gene of Aedes albopictus.” Journal of Southern Medical University 34, no. 010 (2014): 1420-1425
  44. Xu M, Yuan Q, Zhao H, Li F, Hu XL, Fu YY, Shi GH, Wang X, Zhang N. “Determination of chlorogenic acid and baicalin in Yinhuang film-coated tablets by HPLC isocratic elution“. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. 2013 Mar;38(5):691-693.
  45. XU M, YUAN Q, ZHAO H, LU H, HU X, ZHANG N, SHI G, WANG X, FU Y. HPLC for simultaneous determination the quantity of baicalin and chlorogenic acid in Yinhuang capsules. Journal of Henan University (Medical Science). 2011;3.


  • Review of WHO documents: Bhutan IRMMP (Insecticide Resistance Monitoring and Management Plan), GVCR (Global Vector Control Response 2017–2030 ) brochure, VBD (Vector-borne disease)maps, vector control health topic webpage, GVCR Chinese version editing and VCNA (Framework for a National Vector Control Needs Assessment), etc.
  • WHO: Pilot test online mapping tool for malaria vectors and parasites and provide feedback for further development: Malaria Threat Map (



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