Yan Lab Group
Principal Investigator
Guiyun Yan, Ph.D.
Professor, Public Health
Chancellor’s Fellow
Research Interests: Ecology of African malaria vectors; Malaria epidemiology; Dengue vector biology in Asia
Email: guiyuny@uci.edu
Phone: 949-824-0175
Senior Scientists
Guofa Zhou, Ph.D.
Project Scientist
Research Interests: Infectious Disease Epidemiology; GIS; Spatial Statistics
Email: zhoug@hs.uci.edu
Daibin Zhong, Ph.D.
Associate Project Scientist
Research Interests: Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Population Genetics
Email: dzhong@hs.uci.edu
Chloe Wang, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar & Specialist
Research Interests: Ecological Microbiology & Epidemiology; Vector Biology
Email: chloe.wang@uci.edu; yanlabmanager@hs.uci.edu
Tel: 949-824-0962; 949-824-0249
PhD Student
Welcome to join Yan Lab!
Undergraduate Students/Interns