New Faculty: Jesse Colin Jackson
This fall, the Art Department welcomed a new faculty member in the EAD area, Assistant Professor Jesse Colin Jackson. Jesse comes to us from OCAD in Canada, where he was on the Faculty of Design. He has a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Toronto, and a B.A.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of British Columbia. His artistic work ranges across sculpture, 3D printing, photography, design, and related areas. Shown at left is an image from his collaborative project BlocKit, a design for an open-source approach to making the ubiquitous concrete blocks used in so many different kinds of construction. Shown below right is Eleven Home Depots, Southern Ontario, a digital image from the Iterations series. Created with Tori Foster, these works composit different instances of branded buildings (like Home Depot) and their surrounding environments to expose the underlying commonalities and differences among them. He is now in the process of setting up a new 3D printing and laser-cutting lab in the Art Department. For more about his work and background, check out his website. We are very excited to have him join our group.
Starting in Winter 2014, Jesse will take over administration of the school’s Digital Arts Minor (DAM), which is now housed in the Art Department. He will teach the core DAM lecture courses Arts 11 and12, as well as offering courses in the regular undergraduate Art major and M.F.A. Art program.