My second set of midterms is already coming up for Chemistry and Biology. Learning from mistakes that I’ve made when preparing for my first set of midterms, I have finally incorporated an easy-to-follow weekly routine that helps me plan out what I will do during the day and the times throughout the day I will dedicate my tasks. It’s extremely hard to study for hours straight, so I’ve included topics in this blog about study snacks, staying active, study tips, and how to stay motivated to alleviate the stress of studying.
Munchies and Staying Active
Before midterm week, I usually like heading down to Brandywine to get at least 1-2 cups of coffee in for a study session, especially if I am extremely tired mid-day or towards early evening. I try not to drink coffee past 8 PM, since I will most likely stay up until 2 AM. I don’t believe “all-nighters” are all that helpful when trying to learn/study material and I think it is VERY important to get as much sleep as possible, plus my brain cannot function or comprehend material when I am tired. Trying to run off energy drinks late at night is definitely not the move for me. As for snacks, I always snack on almonds or other mixed nuts like pistachios or cashews. They are great study snacks that are very convenient when you run to the library to study and can keep you full for hours!
It is always a good idea to take breaks when studying, but it is even better when those breaks are focused on activeness! For example, I have finally got back into my workout routine six weeks after moving it because I’ve gained quite a few pounds from overeating at the Anteatery and Brandywine. I have also been keeping up with my weekly hikes with the Hiking Club at UCI, which is a great way to take your mind off of school by embracing nature and socializing with new people, while at the same time, staying active! I always feel great when I am doing something active and getting back into the study session motivated right after.
Here are the photos of the things I’ve done to stay active for this upcoming midterm week!

My Helpful Study Tip and Keeping a Motivational Mindset!
I find it difficult to stay focused on studying, so I like to set myself one-hour timers where I dedicate that time to studying and studying ONLY. No phones, no games, NO DISTRACTIONS. Then, I usually take 10–25-minute breaks depending on how tired I feel after taking in an hour’s worth of reviewing material. This studying method is also known as the Pomodoro Technique, where you have intervals of studying and take breaks in between to help you recharge every so often. Some people will use these breaks to play a quick video game or scroll on social media; however, I think that incorporating these activities into your breaks will prolong them because they are a source of distraction, causing you to lose track of time. I think an active activity is a better way to take breaks and recharge for your next few hours of studying! For instance, going out on a short walk/run, stretching, or simply doing a few jumping jacks are better because they help with blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain, helping you stay alert. Furthermore, staying optimistic about studying helps with enjoying the material you are learning. You basically have you hype yourself up and force yourself to like what you are learning. Having a negative mindset will leave you unmotivated and lead to procrastination. Also, setting a simple study goal for yourself, like telling yourself that you will finish reviewing these certain chapters by the end of the day, will help you get by those long study hours.
Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!
All the best,