Monthly Archives: March 2012

iPad Beyond Angry Birds

The interactive capabilities of educating students at higher education and graduate levels with the use of the iPad has been amazing. All you have to do is search the App Store and you’ll find something for your discipline or subject.

iTunes U: So Many Possibilities K-12 and Beyond…

I enjoy re-watching and reviewing lectures. It’s the way I have always learned. Redundancy. iTunes U provides this opportunity for EVERYONE. As long as instructors/course managers make this content accessible (transcripts/captions/prompts) I see this being a very valuable tool for students with disabilities as well as for those without disabilities.

Let’s just say your a student in a dorm room with a sleeping roommate (because this never happens 🙂 ) — turn the audio off and you can watch the video with the captioning and receive the content just as if your roommate was awake!

There are other applications of iTunes U, but I’ll keep it at my playful example above– or until I can brainstorm other uses!