Blog Post #1: “Assimilation”

1.In Lisa Sun-Hee Park’s article “Assimilation,” Park focuses on the idea of assimilation and its complexities regarding how Asian Americans are affected by this process and the ‘model minority’ myth that has been imposed on Asian Americans. Asian Americans were characterized as ‘low-skilled, low wage laborers’ (pg. 16), but have been shown to made tremendous growth from the past. Park brings out different perspectives of the term ‘assimilation,’ but she ultimately argues that it is not simple or natural even though it is seen as a common phenomenon in society.

2.Park states a dictionary definition of the term ‘assimilation’ as “take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully” and “absorb and integrate.” She also points out the paradox that Asian Americans are simultaneously being included and excluded due to the issue that assimilation is necessary in order for non-Americans to hold U.S. citizenship. However, Asian Americans are perceived as outsiders who need help and need to be saved and educated. It is a contradiction that Asian Americans need to be foreigners in order to be included in the United States.

3.Park uses different concepts of assimilation from a variety of sources. In the beginning of her article, she talks about W.E.B. Du Bois’ perspective on assimilation and how he thought assimilation was not needed because he did not perceive the differences in cultures as the problem between races. It was the perception that one race was superior or inferior to another that was the issue.

4.I think the concept of assimilation is not something only applicable to Asian Americans. Assimilation is something that already started happening way back during the times of the Incan empire. The Incan empires vastness was mainly due to all the acquisitions of land they achieved through conquering smaller nations, each with culture unique to themselves. In order to manage ruling over so many different people with different dialects, the Inca tried to assimilate everyone under one language (quechua). However, in doing so, it was like taking away part of someone’s culture.

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