News Coverage and Asian Americans

  1.  In the encyclopedia article News Coverage by Paul Niwa, we get an in-depth analysis and statistics of how much news coverage goes on in the Asian American communities. He starts by stating how in all forms of media whether it be print, digital, tv or radio there is an underrepresentation of Asian Americans as reporters and or journalists. He also mentions how current US media overlooks or gives little to no coverage to Asian Americans after certain disasters. Two examples he gives us is the minimal coverage of affected Asian Americans after hurricane Katrina or the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on Chinatowns(page 663). And finally, he mentions how there was a decline in Asian Americans working in media from 2000 to 2008 due to the fact that it is not the best paying job and also because Asian Americans don’t want to feel the pressure of having to report on Asian topics just because they are Asian(page 667). Fortunately, organizations like the AAJA(Asian American Journalist Association) have been helping out Asian American journalist by providing seminars and giving guidance which tremendously helps them out in their early years as reporters(page 666).
  2. “Asian Americans were perceived to be more interested in working on-air than on the production-management track or more interested in higher paying jobs outside of journalism,” here get a further glimpse which ties back to why Asian Americans are really under-represented in media and also why there are very few Asian American males in visual, on-air positions(page 667). In recent years with the widespread of internet availability more and more Asian Americans are getting involved in news topics thanks to “websites, personal digital assistants, and cell phones” who have made reaching more Asian Americans easier with new tools like email, Youtube and or blogs(page 670). ***More on #1** *
    1. Mainstream news(663): is typically referring to a collective of various large mass news media that influence large number of people(ie. CNN, Fox News etc.)
    2. Deregulation(667):  The removal of restrictions, in our context, weak regulation over media has had an impact on a low number of Asian Americans in any sort of media
  3. On page 665 we saw how after the Korean student was responsible for the Virginia Tech mass shooting, the Korean-American as a whole felt the guilt of one person actions. As they stated “Our reputation is ruined,” we see how most Asian Americans are connected and support each other since being the minority, they have no one else to have their backs so they form tight communities. This tight community attitude can be seen in many minorities groups and is central to the lives because the actions of one can damage their reputation. And this is especially important to them because already being immigrants makes them feel disconnected from American society and any bad action by one of their own can cause more hostility towards them or any other minorities that are struggling to not be seen as foreigners(page 665).

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