extra blog about Balance’s article

I would like to write an extra blog about the article in reading in the final week that we have not cover in class. In the article How It Feels to Be Viral Me: Affective Labor and Asian American Youtube Performance that written by Christine Bacareza Balance. This author argues that the perform of youtube star sometimes do not pay attention to their action and speech that effect the audience feeling. They try to do silly or funny performance to get as much like and followers as possible without thinking about the farther cost.

One example is Jiimy Wong who makes fun of Chinese accent got bad comment and reputation from the audience. He created a song called “getting funky” and it repeat a phrase “Ching Chong . . . it means I love you . . . Ling Long . . . I really need you . . . Ching Chong . . . I still don’t know what that means” (Balance 139). He’s making fun of the Chinese accent and out it in a song. He would think that people laugh at it, but no one likes it. The followers also criticize the song from one person to another.

This reminds me of the sitcom comedy that we watch in class that Magarat Cho is the main character in it. The purpose of creating comedy is to make people laugh, but it is very offensive for Asian Americans, especially Korean Americans. the comedy did not highlight a deeper meaning and relationship between Asian American family, but it uses American culture as a main idea. The producer and director did not think about how this comedy offence Asian Americans as a whole. It also affects the main character both mentally and physically.

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