extra blog about Crazy Rich Asian

I just watched Crazy Rich Asian in the theater last week and I would like to write an extra blog about the movie because I think that it is very interesting to talk about. This movie is about a Chinese American professor who is in a relationship with one of the millionaire’s son. Then the main character Rachel goes to Singapore to join Nick’s best friend wedding. At the same time, Nick also want to introduce Rachel to his family. Unfortunately, Nick’s mother did not like Rachel due to the fact that her ancestor is not rich and she does not have a father. However, toward the end of the movie, Rachel uses her emotional intelligent to convince Nick’s mother to accept her, then Nick and Rachel got married.

I think overall, the movie is pretty good at showing the relationship between Asian American children to their parents and the way they respect their elderly. They also highlight the impact of class division between the Asian rich as poor family and that impact affect their next generation.

I am interested in one of the scene when Rachel was about to leave home to Singapore to meet Nick’s family. her mother was worried about the way they will treat her daughter, but Rachel said she will be fine. Then, her mother pointed to Rachel’s head and mouth and said that “this is not Asian”. When she did that, it reminded me of the topic that we learn in class. When we talk about how Asian Americans got the influence from American culture that they are adapting. This means that even though Rachel is Chinese descendent, but she is not fully Chinese. The way she thinks and talk can affect the way Nick’s mother think about her because she grew up in Asian country.

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