Blog Post 1

  1. In Lisa Sun-hee Park’s “Assimilation,” she points out the critical negative effect of “assimilation”. It is because her sister and many of her 2nd generation Asian Americans are suffering because of assimilation. This term assimilation is about ethnic minority culture are following and being similar to majority culture, which is white people’s culture. Each author has different view on Assimilation. It is because they thought Assimilation will be cure for discrimination and racial problems. However, Lisa Park brought her family’s own example that her sister committed suicide. After her analyzes of her situation from sister’s view point, she claims that deadly trap is in this system of society. It is because her sister could not live in the world that she knew, which is about having desire for being a white people look alike. Not only for 2nd generation of Asian Americans. It is also problem for everyone. It is because people’s mind can be easily trapped and lose their selves. Assimilation has an impact on losing people’s natural quality.
  2. Park provides different aspect on assimilation. First example is about African Americans. In Du Bois’s “The Conversation of Races”, Du Bois claims that African Americans are critical different compare to white races, so they do not think about turning to be white. They do not get any desire to be white. It is because they are already so different. On the other hand, Asian are called “model minority”. It is because they adapted to American society so well. Moreover, this idea is more influential for privileged Asian Americans. It is because they are well adapted to American society. However, According to Pew Research Center, many Asians are still suffering by discrimination and racism. “many Asian Americans who live in poverty and experience intense and direct racism”.
  3. Model Minority myth is a important term in this article. It explains the Asian American society’s situation. It refers to successful Asian Americans. It is because they become the good example of well adept in American society. They contain an image of hard working, virtuous, etc.
  4. This article helps us to get better understanding with the history and caution of the issues. For example, Suzy Wong and Connie Chung. They were the idol for Asian American women. Not only for Asian American women, all other races are educated and influenced by media, so they tend to think Asian women are like Suzy Wong and Connie Chung. In “The world of Suzie Wong”, it makes concrete image on Asian women. Asian women tends to have similar impression to Suzy Wong. It is because media depicted Suzie Wong and Connie Chung as the best Asian Women.

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