Author Archives: Haruka Fujino

Extra Post: Indian English and its accent

Accent is one of the sensitive problems of Hollywood as well as race of characters, even though there are many stars who use English as second languages, they sometimes face problems occurring from their accent, for example, Sofia Vergara who came from Colombia speaks like Spanish English, and she has played a role a girl who cannot speak English as well as native speakers in “Modern family.”In this clip which I attached hereby, she and chairperson talked about her pronunciation. But she doesn’t care about it and had huge success in US’ movie and drama.


Besides her, Mads Mikkelsen who plays Hannibal Lecter was born in Denmark and Audrey Tautou who played Ameri speaks French accent English. However, Indian American in US media are suffered from its accents and stereotypical characters.It is because there are quite few actors and comedians that they cannot overcome bad image, that is to say weird and speak Hinglish, which came from Apu. Indian English is characterized by reading R clearly as “RU” and reading th as “TA” or “DA”. Also, since its speakers ignore the silent letter the pronunciation like “know” and “bomb” has changed.So I think anyone can easily make fun of Indian pronunciation following these rules as Apu’s voice actor, Hank Azaria.

Nowadays, since many Indian American who play active role in Hollywood are second generation, their pronunciation is very clear so that they had not been made fun of by it. Rather than the difference of accent they should have experienced racial joke on the premise of Apu.

“Master of None” from Netflix is a comedy drama depicting such frustration and success of such Indian American.In its fourth episode ”Indians on TV”, Dev an Indian American actors in US, faced to stereotype of Indian characters, such as an engineer, and a store clerk at a convenience store.At the beginning of this story, he challenged the audition of the protagonist of the new drama.Although other Indian actors and he are highly reputed, its producers said that they do not need two Indians out of three protagonists, so he defeated.After that, they welcomed two Indians, however, he offered eventually the role of Indian rather than American. This comedy drama shows these stereotypes still exist and put a problem to audience.

Although this is not American movie, I would like to mention “Slumdog Millionaire(2008).” In this movie, Indians character played almost important parts and they speak very fluent English.And I think this movie proof that Indian films succeed in all over the world even if Indian actors do not express their identities through accent.

As Hari Kondabolu stated in “The Problem with Apu”, the audience is changing with the flow of the times because of emergence of social networking. I think it’s important to transmit from our selves what something we want to see with our own media which we can use anytime and anything we like.We also can create counter hegemony hoping new audience will notice its existence and will be able to raise the standard of revolt against mainstream.

Reference: Like it or not, Hinglish is here to stay (1/12/2009)

Extra Post: Yoko Ono and media

How do you know about Ono Yoko? I think many students have just saw her name in the following these sentence;
“…..these jokes maintain the conflicting dynamic and expose the problematic script writing. In the pilot episode[Mom, Dad This is Kyle(1994)], the show features one scene where Mrs. Kim enters the kitchen and Margaret quips: “What’s with the [sun] glasses, Mom? You look like Yoko Ono!” (Cassinelli 133)
In “If we are asian, then are we funny?”, Cassinelli argues that comedian can draw a parson named Yoko Ono into the flow of comedy and laugh with just one sunglasses, so that sitcom might be sensitive.
I was born and raised in the same country as Yoko Ono, so this example was very easy to understand for me. However, I am not sure whether my classmates are familiar with her and that is why I want to write how she lives in US in this blog post.
Yoko Ono is 85 years-old artist who was born in the family of former nobility. As the author says, her marriage with John Lennon from Beatles made her famous. At that time, John Lennon was already married to a British woman and he broke up in order to marry Oriental artist who is older than him. In 1960s and 1970s, these was a bashing that “a woman of Orient attracted John and let the Beatles dissolve.” Among British fans, there was an idea that personality of John had changed by marriage in 1969, and it made conflict with other members resulting in the dissolution of 1970, the following year.
In fact, John took her to band meeting and she made suggestions about their songs despite she was not a member of Beatles. However, it was recorded that it was not only John who took the girlfriend to band’s session. She was particularly bashing because some of British people still had negative image of japan as well as image of Asian American women, such as “femme fatale.” In addition to these image as a villain to Japanese as a remnant of World War Ⅱ, highly economic development and following trade function, especially with US was not welcomed by western society in 1960s.
For example, Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan(MITI) was called as “Notorious MITI” by US. Ten years after the marriage between Yoko and Lennon, a book titled “Japan’s as Number One” became the best seller, and concerns for the astonishing success of the Japanese economy were rising in even among the general public.
And then, interestingly, according to the slang dictionary of the US posted by the reader, the girlfriend who come to band’s session is sometimes called as “You are like Ono Yoko!”
In Japan, she is sometimes treated as successful and independent woman who married to a famous band man and I was surprised that she became a part of slang.
However, for over 40 years since the dissolution of the Beatles, she asked the US weekly’s interviews “I am not involved in it.”
And then her art has been highly evaluated since the death of Lennon.
In June 2009, she was awarded the Golden Lion Award at the 53rd Venice Biennale as pioneer an and symbol of pop art. When I visited M. H. de Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco on last Saturday, I realized her work book “Acorn(2013)” have been sold in the shop. I really respect her because she doesn’t stop her activity and keep fighting against society’s image of her.
Yoko Ono was born in a rich family and lives in art in times when women were harder to live freely than now, and she has selected and lived her life as she wants to do.
Despite her bad public image which related to Japanese and Asian women was created by media, she fought against it by continuing art activities.

Reference Yoko Ono: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me (I Prefer Doing the Dougie to Krumping!)

Yoko Ono: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Week 5 reading :How good it is to be a monkey

1 In his article, “How good it is to be a monkey: comics, racial for1mation, and American born Chinese”, which appears in An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal on March,2010, Min Hyoung Song explains that Comics, especially “American Born Chinese” which is written by Gene Luen Yang, could help us to consider that how difficult race study in US is. This is because the author thinks that comic’s combination of visual and textual is one of the important vehicle in order to realize race and racism. These problem could have changed such as more or less complicated with the passage of time.


2 One good example is just “American Born Chinese” by Gene Luen Yang. In his comics, we can see Chin-Kee, who is a cousin of Danny and he seems to embody the old-fashioned stereotype for Chinese. For example, he speaks English with strange accent, and he has slant-eyes, and buck teeth as well as Chinese character who was in propaganda illustration against Chinese Coolie in 1880s. Chin-kee basically invades and ruins Danny’s life, for instance Chin-kee has interested in Danny’s girlfriend and he is also depicted like cunning people as well as Fu Manchu. However, he embodies not only nineteenth-century’s stereotype but twentieth-century’s figure like earnest student. The readers could interpret him as not troublesome Chinese but might be an ordinarily teenage boy. “American Born Chinese ” is divided into three parts, and this Danny and Chin-kee’s story is one of them. These stories ultimately lead to one story and all of them is based on the cultural and social experience of Asian American, just as Chin-kee was initially depicted as a nuisance.



3 In this article, the author uses “racial information” as important term in his introduction. It is the way of thinking for racial problem defined by Omi and Winant. According to the author, they considered reinforcing inequality in society by interpreting specific physical features as racial in various everyday situations while Gilroy thinks experience of race minority as a failure example of assimilation. Gilroy also thinks that “simpler hatreds” makes these racial problem more acute rather than it is going to settle as the times advance. The author explains that comics, especially “American Born Chinese” has played an important role of making readers think this problem and showing them what kind of factor are there.



4  I would like to refer to one movie “Der Furher’s Face(1943)” by Disney during WW2. At the beginning of this animation, Donald Duck was forced to work under the control of The Nazis after Axis Powers won. This short movie is propaganda against Germany, Italiy, and Japan and animators drew these leaders face with malice. That is to say, Hitler who was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, Mussolini who was the prime minister of Italy, and Hirohito who was the emperor of Japan. The emperor face was look like Chin-Kee even though their race is different. I think that can be proof that Yang’s study drawing Asian people in US during the past two hundreds is quite faithful. Although China was not hostile country against US at that time and some movie which we watched in “Slaying the Dragon” depicted Chinese as good citizen, there was miscellaneous handling for Asians and the associated fixed stereotypes.


Week 4 reading: If we are Asian, then are we funny?

1  In Sarah Moon Cassinelli’s document “If we are Asian, then are we funny? :Margaret Cho’s All-American Girls as the First (and Last?) Asian American Sitcom”, the author argued that how Asian American have been portrayed stereo-typically in show referring Margaret Cho’s minor “I’m the One that I Want(2001)” , her sitcom of the same title, and her television show ”All-American Girl(1994).” In these comedies, characters showed what “ethnic authenticity” is to “authentic” Asian American family whose expectation might have wrapped the real racism after watching them even though these comedies dealing with everyday subject matter for audience

2    “Mom, Dad, This is Kyle” is one of the episodes of “All-American Girl” which broadcasted on 14 September 1994, and Stuart who is Margaret’s older brother appeared in this story. He is an obedient, successful person, and works as a doctor. When this TV series was broadcast, Jonathan Friedman argued that Asian American is the group that became the model minority after the Jew did. For this reason, Stuart embodied model minority, giving viewers a stereotypical image of the traditional Asian American family even though Margaret said “Stuart’s American!”(Sarah P.139)

3   In this article, the author used “authentic” Asianness as important key terms. She said “authentic Asinanness means the audience is not given enough non-racial material to create a relationship with the characters.” (Sarah P.132) In fact, stereotypical characters and Asian American family’s image helped to attract audience. Margert Cho and executives expressed conflicts of common mother and daughter as a joke, which meant a conflict of conflict as to whether to accept or reject assimilation of culture as a consequence. Therefore, Margaret Kim was plagued by the gap between herself as a true American and as a Korean girl even though her fashion and style is like an American teenage girl.

4   The reason why Margaret had to lose weight for television comes from the idea of ​​Orientalism rather than Assimilation. According to Edward Said and his book ”Orientalism(1978)”, Orientalism is largely formed by “ineradicable distinction between Western superiority and Oriental inferiority. ”(Said P.42) It is problematic because it’s western style for dominating restructuring and having authority over the orient. It is also pointed out that the women who are in the countries and cultures recognized as being inferior are depicted as sexually exploitable women. For example, Orientalistic viewpoints are seen in Harem, Geisha, Miss Saigon and Disney movie Pocahontas. I think the producer ignored Margaret’s intention and ordered weight loss to protect this image was obsessed with this dominative idea regardless of his realization.





Week 3 readings: Asian American Grassroots Outreach

1 In Johnfong’s article ”Beyond Finishing the Game: A Look At Asian American Grassroots Outreach,”,he shows us that how Asian American’s filmmakers confront the challenges of attracting people using many films created from 2000 to 2007.Since Asian American’s culture and its movie are not popular with companies which invest money in movie project,  companies sometimes expected this project may not pay off and refused to invest it. Therefore, filmmakers have to make every effort to “reach the eyeballs by people”and encourage grassroots in their community to support it by community-focused marketing. This marketing method brought them success in recent years.

2 Gene Cajayon made and released “THE DEBUT” in 2001. This movie and its marketing method is a good example to discover how effective the approach to community is. This movie was targeted at Filipino population. Cajayon and producer prepared massive e-mails, postcards, and T-shirts and gave audiences to chance that they were able to meet film’s stars. While “THE DEBUT” achieved huge success by this method, Asian American community became more sensitive to these movie.When filmmakers advertised the new movie “BETTER LUCK TOMORROW”, they paid attention to this social phenomenon,and spread not only this movie but also the definition of ”cool” which they tried to express.

3 An important term the author argued is “grassroots .” Grassroots usually means that ordinary people in society or community rather than the leaders or people who make trend or fashion. By using these marketing method and attract grassroots, Asian American’s movie have aimed to become more popular as a trend that came up the bottom of the community, rather than a dominant one that was pressed as mainstream.

4   I think the movie version of “Crazy Rich Asians(2018)” shows exactly how people who work on Asian American movies face to these problems to us. This movie is a story about one Chinese American woman who suffered from a fact that her boyfriend is super rich man and their difference of backgrounds in Singapore. I felt it is remarkable point that Asian actors are playing almost all of the main characters following the original novel by Kevin Kwan. Because this movie prove that Asian main characters can yield a large profit if it hits in Hollywood. For the promotion of this movie, Asian Americans working in Silicon Valley have purchased tickets and distributed them free to youth Asian Americans as part of the #goldopen campaign. Due to this attempt, Deadline reported that this movie is expected to sell approximately 30 million dollars in the first five days. The high box-office revenue of first week will attract public attention especially non-Asian people. The author of this article mentioned this phenomenon as “it is still to be seen how these efforts [invest or publicity] will pay off, through first weekend figures for the film have been very healthy in each of the sites the film has opened in.”(Johnhong 9) I think that the #goldopen campaign method will be used more and more to boost movies focused on minorities groups,for instance it was conducted for Asian American youth in this movie and it was also conducted for African American youth in Black panther from Marvel. Because consumers and audiences are sensitive to the trends which was created by media and dominance, and movie maker can get people once they break into the mainstream.


Week 2 reading: Assimilation

1 In Lisa Sun-Hee Park’s “Assimilation,” she argued the term of “assimilation” and its definition using some authors Views. In this chapter, Assimilation means the ethnic minority culture forced to change into majority ,more specifically, paying attention to racial formation.
The first person she mentioned to is Du Bois, who claim Assimilation in US demands whiteness.However, Robert E Park thought Assimilation will become a solution for social and racial problem. That is to say, Assimilation is essential events for US society where many immigrants live beyond the barrier of discrimination and prejudice.And also there is a view from Sociologist Richard Alba and Victor Nee. They repudiated “legitimacy of assimilation” for domination and thought that it helps us to deepen mutual understanding among races.

2 One question of assimilation that Park shows us is “assimilation into what?”
Du Bois thinks the word of assimilation assumes that the culture of other ethnic groups such as Asian Americans will change to white American culture. For example, even if one Asian American is from United State and can speak English as native speaker, that person will be treated as outsiders from American society. Contrasting Bois, Aihwa Ong states it helps promote Asian americans develop in social and economic objectives.


3 Park introduced the term “model minority myth” in this article. It refers to Asian American people who is minority group but has success in society. For instance, they get high salary, have an advanced academic background, and can get married to white person, such as Priscilla Chan who is married to Mark Zuckerberg. So the myth and stereotype has come up because US society think Asian American is the good example of assimilation and other ethnic group have to follow them. Even though model minority myth looks it has positive aspect, there is also a negative aspect that ignores the existence of Asians suffering from low income and racial discrimination. In fact, Park shows us that the model minority myth only applies to the six Asian races that seems to be successful in US and the incident that white supremacists kill Sikhs has also occurred.


4 As with myths of ethnic minority models, American society may impose a specific impression such as sexy, or exotic on Asian American. I think “Slaying The Dragon” which is a documentary movie we watched in class is a good example for this problem. Nancy Kwan played a role of Suzie Wong who was a famous prostitute in “The world of Suzie Wong.(1960) ” This character came from the image of “China Doll” and Suzie was depicted as ”good”Asian woman who is innocence, docile, and sexy. In addition to “The World of Suzie Wong,” we can watch images of such a stereotyped Asian woman from “Sayonara.(1954)”.This story depicted the tragic love between US soldiers and Japanese geisha girl which was taboo at that time. Moreover, once the relationship between Asian countries and the United States changes, the image of Chinese and Japanese also changes easily.Like the problem of assimilating into white,  the United States is neglecting the identity as an Asian and also its society is pressing the expectation and impression of what Asians should be, and I felt that Asians were deprived of freedom of self-expression.