Congratulations to graduating Masters students Mellonie Zhang and Danielle Behrens for their accomplishments! Danielle will take a position as a Sustaining Quality Engineer at Avanos Medical and Mellonie is headed back to the Bay Area where she will be a
Dat Nguyen selected as CARE Fellow
Congratulations to Dat for being selected for the prestigious CARE (Cardiovascular Applied Research and Entrepreneurship) Fellowship. He will cross-train in multiple areas to bolster his graduate training. Congratulations on two years of funding Dat!
Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year: Elliot Botvinick
Dr. Botvinick was honored at UCI’s Applied Innovation as Entrepreneurial Leader of the Year in a ceremony last week. Read the story here. A small celebration for both Dr. Botvinick and Dr. Hughes at the Edwards Lifesciences Center for Advanced
Dr. Todd Thorson successfully receives doctoral degree
Two laboratories, the Colloid Science Lab and BEAMS Lab come together to see Todd Thorson present his thesis work. We were joined by many family, friends, and others from the UC Irvine community. Here we see Todd with his two
Selective Stiffening Paper Published
Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Mark Keating, graduate student Qingda Hu, and undergraduate Micah Lim published their paper in Acta Biomaterialia. Check it out here. Congratulations on the innovative work!
2nd Year Dat Nguyen receives IGERT BEST Fellowship
Dat Nguyen has received funding for at least one year as part of the BEST (Biophotonics across Energy, Space and Time) IGERT program. Congratulations on this accomplishment!