Congratulations to Todd Thorson for his image being published on the cover of ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering! Read his work here and see his cover here.
Rachel Gurlin wins ESC’s Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student of the Year
Congratulations to Rachel Gurlin for her nomination for Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student of the Year by the undergraduate Engineering Student Council (ESC). She received her award at the E-week banquet for her time as a TA for Dr. Downing’s BME
New Article Published in Biomaterials
In collaboration with Professor Andrew Putnam’s group at University of Michigan, Mark Keating has published a new paper in Biomaterials investigating ECM stiffening around growing capillaries; read it here. Congratulations Mark!
Rachel Gurlin honored at ARCS Scholar Lunch
Rachel Gurlin received the ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) award back in October 2017; read the article here. She and the other ARCS scholars were honored by their respective Deans (Dean Washington for School of Engineering) at a lunch
BEAMS Lab welcomes Lisette van Os from University of Groningen, Netherlands
Lisette van Os is visiting the BEAMS lab for 6 months to investigate ECM stiffness around diseased cells, specifically those derived from lung fibrosis. She is originally from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and will be using rheology
Micah Lim wins Edwards Summer Undergraduate Research Program Poster Competition
Congratulations to Micah Lim for winning 1st place at the summer (SURP) poster competition! Well-deserved!