The PC Photo Project (Community-Based Participatory Health Needs Assessment in a Specialty Drop-In Center for Youth Involved or At Risk of Sex Trafficking in Orange County) is supported the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Campus-Community Research Incubator Program.
The purpose of this project is to establish a consistent, supportive nursing presence at the Project Choice Drop-In Center (PC). In establishing a nursing presence, the following specific aims will be achieved:
1. Establish rapport between nurse personnel and PC clients, in order to facilitate open and effective dialogue about health care needs.
2. Develop a standard protocol using PhotoVoice and conduct a health needs assessment based on the interests and requests of PC clients and staff while providing informal health education to PC clients as needed.
3. Provide warm hand-offs and referrals to other PC collaborative providers including mobile health, mental health, and case management providers to enhance youth self-efficacy and agency in seeking care towards building a medical case management program for drop-in center youth.