Fall Quarter is coming to a close, and here are some of the things going on in the DA.
In this post:

  • T-Shirts available for pick-up
  • Mesa Court’s HP weekend
  • Unofficial Hangout at Downtown Disney
  • Yule Ball tickets early pre-sale for members only

T-Shirts available for pick up

DA shirt

Starting from Week 10’s club meeting (December 10), you can pick up your club t-shirt if you pre-ordered one already. Bring $7 if you are a dues-paid member or $10 if you’re not. Also, if you didn’t pre-order a shirt, no worries! We have some extras for $10 in all sizes and in both the unisex and women’s cut.



Mesa Court’s HP Weekend

Mesa Court is hosting a Harry Potter weekend to celebrate the end of the quarter! Stop by the community center Friday, 12/5 and Saturday, 12/6 for HP activities, goodies, a Mesa hall Quidditch tourney (hosted by Anteater Quidditch), and the Sorting Ceremony (hosted by the DA).


Unofficial Hangout at Downtown Disney

Date and time TBD. Club leadership is planning a social outing to Downtown Disney plus a showing of Big Hero 6. More details (including rides and logistical things) coming soon.


Yule Ball Tickets – Member Pre-Sale

YB invite 2015

During week 10’s club meeting (12/10), dues-paid club members can pick up their Yule Ball ticket for $10, before anyone else! Tickets go on sale January 5th to the general UCI population for $15.

The Yule Ball is an annual formal ballroom/dance party mash up held in Winter Quarter. We will have a live string quintet (featuring music students from UCI’s Claire Trevor School of the Arts) playing waltzes from pop culture and from the classical music repertoire. Refreshments, including the DA’s signature butterbeer, will also be provided. This year’s Ball will be held Monday January 26, 2015 from 6:30-10 pm in Pacific Ballroom ABC.

Club Announcements 12/5
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