
Class activities, assignments, and discussion–whether in-person or on-line–are a space to explore ideas, create dialogue, exchange information, and participate in respectful debate.  We will explore controversial, sensitive topics this quarter (including racial and gender stereotypes, slavery, violence) and confront ideas that may not be in accord with our own.

Historians have the task of explaining the context of ideas or events that may make them uncomfortable; they try to understand how practices made sense at a specific time and place. Studying those topics is not the same as endorsing them. It is crucial to enter into the investigation and discussion of sensitive topics with respect—for the historical actors we study and for each other.

Respectful behavior:

  • Invites others into the discussion
  • Waits for the speaker to finish before you begin to speak
  • Listens actively; ask questions of others to get both rationale and in-depth understanding
  • Self moderates; don’t speak too much or too little
  • Uses evidence from assigned materials to support your argument
  • Criticizes ideas, not people