
Below are listed the main EAD courses that have been taught since 1999. Most of these are undergraduate courses because our graduate program has relatively few specialized seminars, focusing more on individual and group critique courses. For student projects in some courses, see the ‘Student Showcase’ area of this site under ‘Resources’ in the menu.

The curriculum was restructured in 2009-10 in order to create clearer sequences of courses from beginning to advanced. It was further reworked in 2013-14 when the Digital Arts Minor was brought fully inside the Art Department, and again around 2020. EAD core courses that count towards the Digital Arts Minor are marked with an asterisk (*).

Courses no longer taught are in italics.

Foundation Courses

ART 1A-B-C Art in Context (a requirement for all Art majors)

ART 9A Media, Art, and Technology (a requirement for all Art majors)

EAD Courses

*ART 12A  Art, Design, and Electronic Culture

*ART 12B  Cutural History of the Anthropocence

*ART 12C  Intelligences of Arts

*Art 50A  Matter and Media

*Art 50 B  Interaction and Experience

*Art 65A  Foundations in Media Design

*Art 65B  Foundations in Internet Art and Design

*Art 65C  Gizmology and Kinetics

*Art 106A Programming for Artists

*Art 106C Design for Print

*Art 110A Mechatronic Art I

Art 110C Mechatronic Art III

*Art 113 How to Be Clever with Stuff

*Art 126B Issues in Techno-Art

*Art 130A Projects in New Technologies 

Art 133 The Graphic Novel

Courses No Longer Taught

ART 11B Media Art and Design History

Art 100 Special Topics: Experimental Media Performance

Art 100 Special Topics: Hypermedia

Art 100 Special Topics: Interactive Narrative

Art 100 Special Topics: Performance & Persona

Art 106B Game Studies 

Art 110B Mechatronic Art II

Art 126A Tactical Media and the Politics of Information

Art 130B Topics in Game Design

Art 130C World Building

Art 143 Projects in Computer Painting

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