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Science fiction and art

Fall 2017. EAD faculty member Antoinette LaFarge has a new essay on science fiction out in the MOSF Journal of Science Fiction. In “Alive in the Now: Ekphrasis in Philip K. Dick and William Gibson”, she takes a close look at how descriptions of art function in the work of …

EAD faculty publications

Fall 2016. Recent books with contributions by EAD faculty include: The Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies from Oxford University Press, edited by George Lewis and Ben Piekut, with essays by Simon Penny and Antoinette LaFarge (2016) Social Media Archeology and Poetics, edited by Judy Malloy, with an essay by …

Everything But the Monkey’s Head

June-July 2016.  EAD faculty member Antoinette LaFarge was the third participant in the Los Angeles-based Institute of Cultural Inquiry’s ongoing residency series entitled With Everything But the Monkey’s Head. The project goal was to build a theory of visual research by examining actual practice-based research projects in progress. Professor LaFarge …

Graphic Novellas

Students in the Art Department’s winter 2014 Graphic Novel course at UC Irvine created graphic novellas, doing all the work from writing and artwork to final publication. The students started by choosing a myth or folktale from any world culture and then updated it in some way. In the course …

Rereading ‘Frankenstein’

EAD faculty member Antoinette LaFarge has published a synopsis of her 2003 Reading Frankenstein performance project in Ada, a Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology. The synopsis includes extensive script excerpts, production stills, video and audio files, and an introduction to the project (co-authored with Reading Frankenstein director Annie …

Evolution Haute Couture

Art Department faculty member Simon Penny has an essay in the recently published second volume of Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age (Kaliningrad, Russia: BB NCCA, 2013). The first volume,  published in 2009, focused on artists’ practices and won the National Innovation Prize in Russia. The …

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