Student Showcase
Here we provide links to past student projects that give a sense of the range of their interests and skills.
2023: Programming for Artists
Interactive artworks by students in Art 106A: Programming for Artists at UC Irvine. The students programmed their projects using the graphical software Max, creating everything from self-portraits to virtual landscapes. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2014: Interactive Art
Interactive artworks by students in Art 106A: Programming for Artists at UC Irvine. The students programmed their projects using the graphical software Max, creating everything from webcam-based portraits to virtual architecture. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2014: Graphic Novellas
Graphic novellas by students in Art 133: The Graphic Novel at UC Irvine. The students went from concept to printed book in a single quarter, and they were each responsible for both the text and the drawings in their books. The storylines of these 20-page novellas were updates of myths and folktales drawn from cultures around the world. Set in periods ranging from the 1920s to the near future, they explore everything from personal trauma to corporate misdeeds. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2013: A Meditation on Plagues
The students in the fall Design for Print class (Art 106c) created a set of artist’s books on the subject of plagues. Ranging from accordian-fold books to loose-leaf and multifold books, these books were subsequently made the subject of a special exhibition hosted by Langson Library, thanks to Special Collections librarian Steve MacLeod, who put up a page about the project here, with installation photos. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2013: Interactive Space to the Max
Interactive projects programmed in Max/MSP/Jitter by students in S.A. 106A Programming for Artists at UC Irvine. A dozen idiosyncratic and ambitious projects by students who were new to the practice of creating artwork through custom programming. Their projects incorporated video and audio, as well as live webcam feeds, randomized text, and game-like structures. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2013: Six Sides
Artist’s box projects by students in S.A. 65A Foundations in Media Design at UC Irvine. A series of miniature museums inspired by the work of Joseph Cornell and incorporating individual printed manifestos, schematic diagrams, a time-based element, and various objects. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2010: Graphic Novel Project
Graphic novellas by students in S.A. 100 The Graphic Novel at UC Irvine. The students went from concept to printed book in a single quarter, and they were each responsible for both the text and the drawings in their books. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge.
2006: Speed Design Project
Students in the 2006 Digital Typography and Communication course at UC Irvine did a project called “The Sixty Twenty-Four Speed Type Artists Project,” the goal of which was to create a postcard about a modern artist within a narrow set of design constraints, including a very short working time. The chosen artists ranged from Charles Demuth to Jenny Holzer, Roy Lichtenstein to the Guerrilla Girls. Taught by: Antoinette LaFarge. Download a PDF.