On Oct. 04th, three of our current undergaduate students, Maryam, Ellie and Katelyn participated in the 40th Informal Gathering on Atmospheric Sciences and Photochemistry (IGASP) Symposium hosted at UCSD. Maryam presented her work on the photoxidation of acetomiprid, a neonicotinoid pesticide, in presence of TiO2 particles. Ellie presented her summer research project looking at the oxidation of aromatic compounds by OH radicals and the measurement of the oxidation products using Matrix Assisted Ionization in Vacuum (MAIV) and Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS). Lastly, Katelyn presented her work on Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) measurements of benzene and limonene from silica surfaces. All did a fantastic job, well done everyone!