There have been amazing advances in women’s rights in the past few years alone. Now more than ever, young women and girls are encouraged to pursue whatever passions they want, regardless of societal expectations or traditional gender roles. While this is phenomenal and we should of course be happy for these kinds of advances, we have to consider the possibility of a double standard when it comes to raising our kids.

In this article, Kelly Gonsalves asks us to consider: ” How would you feel about your son wearing skirts and makeup, joining the cheerleading squad or ballet, and spending a lot of time giggling on the phone talking with his friends about schoolyard crushes?” While some parents may answer with indifference, many if not most parents will take issue with this. Why? Because boys aren’t allowed to be “feminine.”

This article tackles just that issue and offers advice on how to raise our kids with a more open mind when it comes to being able to choose what they want to do. It is important to keep in mind that many queer and trans children will choose to spend their time doing things that do not necessarily conform to the traditional roles of their assigned gender at birth. While not all kids like this will identify as queer or trans, it is important, regardless of identity, to be affirming early on to preserve our kids’ mental and physical well-beings and let them have the best possible childhoods.


Article: How To Raise Boys Without All The Stereotypes About Gender & Masculinity
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