Name: Brit Cervantes
Position/Title: Program Coordinator, Community Education Specialist
Name of your business/organization: UCI Gender Diversity
Location of your business/organization: Irvine, and Orange
Social Media (if any):
IG @UCIPeds, FB:
Tell us about business/organization (what type of business/organization is it and why is it unique?)
The UC Irvine Health Pediatric Gender Diversity Program offers Orange County’s only interdisciplinary program dedicated to caring to transgender and gender-expansive children, teens, and young adults up to the age of 26. Our team of specialists provides affirming, supportive care with a full range of gender care services, which include:
· Patient and family counseling
· Puberty suppression
· Gender-affirming hormone therapy
· Community connections and support
· Sexual Health Education and HIV Prevention
How did you start your business/organization and tell us how you got to where you are today?
The Gender Diversity Program is a product of Dr. Lynn Hunt’s commitment to advancing LGBTQ, and in this case specifically transgender health, here in Orange County. We officially began seeing patients in September of 2016 but it took years to plan what our program would offer to the transgender community. As the needs of the community that we serve change and evolve, so do we. Our goal is to meet transgender and nonbinary people where they are, and provide the tools they need to align with their inner sense of self.
What do you love about your community?
I am a queer and transgender identified person myself so my love for the transgender community is deeply personal. In the beginning of my own transition things were difficult to navigate, but I got through things with the help of other queer and transgender people. The way that our community comes together and supports one another is a truly wonderful thing to see. We are strong, beautiful, and resilient humans. Transgender and nonbinary people are magic!
Has your business/organization been impacted by COVID? If so, how?
The LGBTQ community has been left in a really vulnerable position throughout COVID-19. Our community faces high rates of discrimination in social settings, and unfortunately even within healthcare. However, Gender Diversity has remained committed to providing the care and resources that our patients need throughout this pandemic. UCI Health was able to quickly shift gears to allow us to see patients via telehealth and this has allowed us to continue to see patients remotely. We have been prescribing hormone replacement therapy, and offering sexual health resources to patients from the safety of their homes.
What neighboring businesses/organizations do you like/support?
We love collaborating with other businesses and organizations that provide transgender affirming services. Local LGBTQ Centers like Orange County and Long Beach have been fantastic partners. We also can’t forget to mention Gather & Grow OC, Project Q, Salon Benders, and our OC GAP members!
How can we be “in it together”?
We can be in it together by making ourselves accessible to the transgender and LGBQ community. We have to be creative and find new ways to meet the needs of LGBTQ people during this time, as well as after this pandemic is over. When organizations collaborate together to serve everyone in our communities, everyone thrives!
in it together, UCI Health, Gender Diversity Program, Brit Cervantes, Community, LGBTQ
Source: Gather and Grow OC