Events This Week!

This week is action-packed with events that might be of interest to you and your work in HumCore. On Tuesday afternoon, there is a symposium on the clash between the Islamic State and far right radical movements in Europe. The panel includes two big-deal European philosophers, Catherine Malabou (Kingston University) and Marc Crepon (Ecole Normale Superieure), both of whom are Visiting Assistant Professors for this quarter in the Humanities.


Later that evening, Bryan Doerries, a UCI alumnus and founder of the Theatre of War program, will be in conversation with UCI faculty and staff about his work on Greek tragedy and PTSD in military contexts. Any of you who are working on research projects on PTSD or US military issues should strongly consider attending this event.


TOW UC Irvine Cast Flyer

Finally (and nearest and dearest to my heart), your classmate Maribel Valentin helped to organize a screening of The Hunting Ground with the Feminist Collective at UCI on Wednesday evening. As you know from class, The Hunting Ground is a documentary by Kirby Dick (who also directed The Invisible War) about the epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. From what I understand, the Feminist Collective will also be conducting a discussion after the film to talk about these issues as they effect our campus.


Hope to see you at one (or more!) of these events this week!