Administrative Details

  • Today in section meeting, you will sign up for a one-on-one meeting with me. Please take careful note of your appointment time. All appointments will take place in my office, HIB 195. We will NOT have section meeting on Wednesday, May 9th. Your only obligation to me this week is to attend your one-on-one consultation and continue your secondary source research (of course you must still attend lecture on Wednesday and complete the assigned readings).
  • While I have given you blog deadlines for each post, you will likely be revising these prewriting components of the research paper as your research continues to take shape. The blog posts will be graded holistically as your “prewriting” for the assignment at the end of the quarter. You should have posts 2-4 (artifact selection, disciplinary orientation/humanistic research questions, cluster 1 of secondary sources) available by the time we meet this week so that I can look at them as we can talk about your progress to date.
  • You must complete the Study Questions on Kenneth Silver’s “Purism: Straightening Up After the Great War” for section meeting on Monday, May 16th. We will discuss Prof. Herbert’s first two lectures and his chapter on “How to Analyze and Write About a Work of Art” in the HCC Writer’s Handbook in conjunction with the Silver reading that day in section meeting.