SEM Short Course Scheduled on Sept 22

SEM short course:  How to Get Best Result from FEI/Philips XL-30 FESEM

 Date: 9/22/2010 (Wed)

 9:30-12:00: SEM lecture, Room 3008 Calit2 Building

1:00pm-5:00pm: SEM demo and problem solving, Room 140, engineering Tower

 Contact: (Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng)  

 The SEM in MC2 is a field emission gun machine (FEI/Philips XL-30) with a resolution of 2nm. This SEM is equipped with E-T SE detector, solid state BSE detector and an EDS system, enabling users to obtain information about sample surface morphology and (qualitative and quantitative) chemical composition. To help users to take advantage of its full capabilities, a SEM short course “How to Get Best Result from FEI/Philips XL-30 FESEM” is scheduled on Sept 22, 2010. All current XL-30 SEM users and potential users are welcome to attend the one-day short course. The short course consists of 2.5hrs lecture (SEM principles and operations) in the morning and 2-4hrs (problem solving) demo in the afternoon. If you are interested in the short course, please email Dr. Zheng at in advance. If users have specific problems with their samples, they are welcome to inform Dr. Zheng in advance. A few users’ samples will be selected for the demo section.

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